Bloody Scars

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(Still before cops arrive)
I had let my only chance to escape, slip away.
I knelt besides Tadashi.
His silent groans, only making me want to help him. "Come on Tadashi. This way."
I used that little strength I had left in me to drag him to my bed. He used a bit of his own strength to stand. Once he laid on my bed, his back towards me.
I saw all the shards, with the dark shade of blood.
"Tadashi where is the alcohol?"
He tried answering but at the end he couldn't say a word.
I ran around the mansion.
I remembered the place my mom usually stored it.
Underneath the bathroom sink. I made my way to his bathroom. I unlocked the door.
There at the corner of the room, there still was the corpse.
I didn't look at it for long, I found the alcohol and ran back to my room.
I had rags, water, everything I needed to make a surgery at home.
I rolled up a rag, that was clean.
"Tadashi I'll need to put this in your mouth. The pain will hurt a lot and I wouldn't want you to bite your tongue off."
He opened his mouth, the sweat rolling down his forehead. I placed the rag, and started my procedure. 
I heard his muffled cries every time I pulled a shard out.
I watched the blood, drip on to the bed sheets. 
I found it satisfying every time I noticed there were less shards in his back.
I pulled out the final shard.
The wounds were all deep,
I could see the white below his skin.
I took a quick breath. And finished up my job.
Wrapping tightly around his entire back.
My job here was done.
I looked at my hands.
Covered in blood. His blood. I was going to wash my hands when he grabbed my wrist. "Don't leave, stay with me." His weak voice cried. "I'm only going to wash my hands."
The look in his eyes was nothing I had seen before. The look of a child being abandoned. I sat down, and laid next to him.
I looked into his eyes.
His brown eyes calm, and sweet. I missed him. This side of him.
I closed my eyes and felt his arm around me. A hug that made me feel protected.
"Where were you? This whole time." I asked.

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