Final Chapter

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Tadashi's view:
After telling the nurse everything.
She just smiled and nodded. "We are all done here." She through a pillow at me.
"Awe don't be sad now Tadashi! Someone is here to see you."
"Who?" I asked. Since last time I saw Elia, I saw her with the cop.
"Your wife silly."
"Elia is here!" I screamed excited as I saw the child sitting on the windowsill.
It had been two years since I saw her.
The nurse opened the door.
The little girl ran up to me with the biggest smile.
She jumped and gave me a huge hug, and kiss on the cheek. "Dad!"

I held her gently in my arms

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I held her gently in my arms. "Dad?"
Right through the door walking in,
the most beautiful woman in the world.
Elia Madison,
No, Mrs. Elia Iwazaki.
Her hair was longer than when I last saw her.
Her skin was still pale, but she gained the weight she lost.
The little girl smiled.
She had my mother's eyes, and my smile.
There was no doubt about it, she was my daughter.
The daughter I never knew I had.
"She's our daughter. Tadashi."
"What's your name?" I asked her, as I ruffled her hair.
"Suha!" She exclaimed happily, as in my mommy's guardian angel, he watches over us now.

Elia's view:
Tadashi was happy.
"We have a beautiful little girl." He rocked her in his arms.
"Suha is a pretty name. You chose well."
I smiled and nodded.
Someone knocked on the door.
It was Eric, "I figured you two might need some time alone, so I'll take Suha with me."
Suha jumped happily off Tadashi's lap and ran to Eric.
"2nd Pa Eric! I want ice cream."
"Of course Sweetie." Eric picked up Suhan and held her carefully. "I'll be back soon Elia."
"Thanks Eric."
Tadashi nodded and smiled. "I'm happy to see, you found yourself a good man."
I chuckled.
"Everyone says that. But Eric is just a close friend."
"Aren't you two married?" Tadashi asked me with his sad yet hopeful eyes.
"No. He just supported me, and helped me Raise Suha in your absence."
Tadashi smiled. "Does that mean? You still love me?"
I nodded and laughed. "I'm a poor old fool, I still love you Tadashi. Eric is just a blessing I received."
Tadashi got off his seat and got on his knees.
He grabbed my hands and kissed them.
"Will you forgive me. For everything I made you go through?"
He started to cry, uncontrollably and buried his face in my stomach.
"I forgave you since the day I accepted the red glove."
"Will you forgive me for killing that man, Suhan."
It hurt me hearing his name, but I knew Suhan had forgiven him.
I still wasn't ready to forgive him for that.
"I'm sorry Tadashi, but I still haven't gotten Over his death."
Tadashi nodded. "I understand love."
"Did you love him?" He asked me, as he got back up to his feet.
"I didn't, until I had lost him."
He hugged me and buried my face into his chest.
"I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I'm so sorry."
"He's somewhere better off now." I said with a smile. "Tadashi, though you may not believe it. He will always watch over us and keep us safe. That was his wish."
I gave him a hug back, letting him cry his sins away on to my black shirt.
I caressed his long brown hair and wanted to make him feel safe, and forgiven.

The next day, he was getting discharged I saw many people saying their good byes.
I stood next to Eric, Suha excited in my arms.
Tadashi walked over to us, with his smile and wearing the clothes I first met him with.
He ran towards us,
I set Suha down and let her make her way towards him.
She ran happily and jumped. Tadashi caught her and kissed her forehead.
Eric nudged me with his elbow, "you run to him too. I mean don't you love him."
Eric smirked.
I didn't even answer back, I let my heels fall off and ran to him. He opened his arms wide hugging both his daughter and I.
I was happy.
I had found my perfect man.
Tadashi smiled and said. "Hey Eric! Join the hug too you're part of the family."
Eric chuckled. "If you insist."
He joined the hug.

As the days passed by, Tadashi and I moved back into the mansion.
Once it was remodeled and painted differently.
Suha danced around the dance hall,
On the wall, there was an instrument.
Suhan's violin.

I made my way back to where my room once was,
Everything has been changed. It was now a nursery, a nursery for Suha, and for any other child who may come on its way.
I walked down to where the greenery was.
It was still there, with the strong scent of roses.
But this time, there were more colors.
I made my way back to the dancing hall, to find Tadashi waltzing with Suha.
"Tadashi, I'm going to return Eric his house key. I'll be back."
I drove back to the studio apartment I once lived in.
I knocked on the door, Eric opened the door. "Here's your key. Thank you so much for everything."
He smiled and took the key from my hands. "You are always welcome here."
I nodded and walked back towards the cars.
When I saw it coming.
A car, the loud screech of the brakes.
Then I felt a push,
To only watch Eric Park to be hit by the car.
The familiar sound of sirens, and the familiar pool of blood.
The car drove away, I knelt beside Eric.
No, no again. I can't lose another blessing.
I watched his blank eyes looking back at me .
The ambulance arrived just in time, taking him to the ER.
Tadashi and Suha got here as soon as they heard the news.
Tadashi held me in his arms as I cried.
"He can't die."
Tadashi caressed my hair. "Did you see who was it?"
I shook my head. "I didn't see."
The doctor came out.
She had a gentle smile.
"Fortunately he's stable now."
"Thank god!"
We all walked into his room.
The doctor walked in with us.
Eric was asleep.
"Thank you Eric. For always being there to save me."

Eric's view:
Once I woke up int the hospital. I knew I had accomplished my goal of saving Elia's life one more time.
The Doctor was looking at some files.
She looked Young around my age. She noticed I was awake. "You're awake Officer."
I nodded and glanced around the room.
To see Floral ornaments. "Your friend brought those. Mrs. Iwazaki, I believe that's her name."
"Ah yeah."
She sat on the chair beside me. "How are you feeling?"
"Good I guess considering I'm alive."
She nodded.
"It's good you're alive. I almost thought we had lost you. Would've sucked to lose my first patient."
She smiled brightly.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
She pulled off her glasses and hung them on her pocket. "Oh no one special. Just Dr. Castro. Zuleyma Castro."
From that moment I knew,
Maybe Elia had not been the one for me. But, this young doctor could be someone I could rely on.

And so Forth,
The girl I loved Elia Madison,
legally married her love Tadashi Iwazaki. After Suha they had a son, which they named Eric after me.
Suha grew to be a violinist known worldwide, playing the instrument that originally belong to Suhan Young.
Their Son Eric, became an actor just like his Grandmother Verose once was.
I grew fond of the doctor who saved my life.
And that leads,
To the end of Tadashi's Perfect Psychopath's Romance.

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