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Elia's view:
I watched the musicians walk in one by one.
Carrying their individual instruments.
My door creaked open.
Tadashi smiled at me.
He grabbed both my hands and pulled me with him to a big room.
The walls were silver and gold, with beautiful doors. There on a mannequin was a beautiful wedding dress.
"What is this?" I asked him.
"Your wedding dress obviously."
He smiled and walked towards the door.
"I'll wait for you outside. Get changed."
I was going to yell no at him, but he closed the door.
I furiously hit the door, but gave in.
I had no choice but to do it. I took the dress of the mannequin and slipped it on. I looked at my reflection on the mirror as I tightened the back.
I put the veil on my head.
Like I had always dreamed. My wedding day.
Only difference,
With my kidnapper.
I walked towards the door,
I heard the music box.
I smiled.
I walked towards the door and opened them.
Today, I'd be his Mrs.

He smiled as he saw me wearing the dress, the veil, everything he provided

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He smiled as he saw me wearing the dress, the veil, everything he provided.
He placed my hand into his, and walked me to the staircase. I heard the musicians playing.
I saw the musicians nicely seated,
In uniform.
I smiled as I recognized the familiar tune.
We walked into a big dance hall. At the end of the hall. An elderly looking man, like a butler. The musicians glanced up.
"Here comes the bride." Tadashi said, as we walked forward. His grip on my hand tightening as we approached the musicians.
As if warning me to keep quiet.
One musician stood out to me.
He had silky black hair,
his brown eyes locked with mine.
His lips parted,
His partner elbowed him.
"Kid. Start playing. Don't gawk at the bride."
He apologized, and quickly glanced at me before playing the violin.
Tadashi walked me towards the elderly looking man. He held my hand tightly by the time ,We were face to face with the musicians.
I wanted to cry, to scream for help.
But I couldn't.
Tadashi's intimidating eyes watched very move I made,
From every breath,
To every step I took.
The elderly looking man smiled.
"Ah a pretty girl indeed,"
I smiled.
Tadashi smiled.
"She is isn't she." I turned back to look at the musicians. The one boy still had his eyes on me, he realized I fought him staring.
His eyes looked away from mine in embarrassment.
I smiled.
He reminded me of an elementary student in love with a girl,
just like my little brother Tom.
I felt Tadashi's grip around my waist tightened. I looked at him.
He smiled his horrific smile. "What are you smiling at Elia?"
"I like the music."
He nodded and pulled me closer to him.
The old man spoke his wise words of marriage. From death to thus apart.
To love each other through sickness.
I knew
What I vowed was true.
I loved this man.
This monster,
This Murderer.
My mind couldn't accept it but my heart knew it was right.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Tadashi cupped my face with his hand, and leaned downwards towards me.
He placed his lips against mine.
I felt my chest tighten in fear.
He deepened the kiss,
He was satisfied,
I wasn't defiant,
I wasn't fighting back,
I wasn't screaming for help.
I was his
Elia Iwasaki.

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