When the Heart Calls

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I woke up to hear the phone ringing. "Hello?"
"Is Mrs. Iwazaki there?" I didn't respond at first since the voice belonged, to
Tadashi Iwazaki.
I shakily tried to put the phone down and call Eric. When he talked again.
"I know it's you dear~ answer me."
"Let's talk love."
I was scared. How did he get this number? Did he know I was here!
"Sure...what's up?"
"Not on the phone silly girl~ in person."
I looked at the button on my bracelet.
"I mustn't.."
"I'm your husband why not?"
I looked at the picture of Eric Park and I together at the beach.
"Ye..yeah. But that was.."
"It wasn't fake. It's what I really feel for you Elia."
"Okay...Fine." I took the jacket of the coat rack and walked out through the door.
I glanced at the mirror before leaving the room.
I ran out and walked towards the address he had given me.
I ran around hiding the button underneath my jacket.
I smelled smoke.
I turned around the corner to see him.
With gray hair and glasses. He looked like one of those teachers who appeared in anime shows, the one that the students obsessed over.
He smiled and put the cigarette against his lips.

"Seems you did come love

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"Seems you did come love." The red gloves on his hands, squeaking since it was leather.
The suit tight against his chest.
"I did come." I almost cried, I was terrified.
He didn't have the blood lust look in his eyes. He had the sweet gentleness.
And something I had never seen before, regret.
He tossed the cigarette he had and pulled out another one, and lit it.

He tossed the cigarette he had and pulled out another one, and lit it

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"Want one Elia?"
"I can't smoke, it would hurt it."
"It?" He asked. "Never mind". He clearly didn't know I was pregnant. I wasn't ready to tell him either.
Eric's view:
I felt anxious that I left Elia alone at home. I called the home phone, expecting to hear her quiet yet calming voice on the other end. But it never did. I looked at my screen, seeing my current objective. Arresting the man behind the murders. But, I wanted to protect Elia.
I dialed a number I usually never dialed.
"Eric Park?" The deep voiced man answered.
"Could you locate Elia Madison's location?"
Before I knew it. He sent me coordinates of an alleyway. Two miles from my home. I knew I shouldn't have left her. She was in danger. I got up without warning the other officers and chief. I ran out the station and got on my motorcycle. I wasn't going to lose her,
not like this.
Elia's view:
"Elia. Can I ask you something?"
I looked at him, waving at the smoke since I didn't like it.
"Yeah what is it?" I was nervous, since his eyes watched me like a bear watched it's prey.
"Do you..no it's a stupid question."
"Say it." I commanded, asking for an answer.
"Do you love me?" He asked in a quiet voice.
He looked up at me, "I want to know."
I didn't know what to answer.
My heart cried for him. But he was my enemy. He had treated me roughly and carelessly murdered many before my eyes.
I looked at him, from underneath my bangs.
"I don't know."
He nodded. "Let me ask again." He took his glasses off and reached out towards me. "Take my hand and run away with me."
I saw the red glove, calling for me to take it.
"Well?" He asked with his smile.
I heard sirens, near our location.
I knew it. It was Eric Park.
I placed my hand on his red glove.
"Take me with you."
He smiled. "That's my girl."
He turned the lighter on and dropped it on the floor, starting a fire around us. "I knew he'd come after you. Come on let's go."
He bit the bracelet off my wrist and dropped it on the ground. He grabbed my hand and ran with me.
This was a new side of him, I had never seen before.
It was like Suhan, had influenced him.
Suhan also told me what to do.
To follow my heart.
The flames grew around us. Making me feel anxious as I saw the flames near my hair.
"Stop in the name of the law!" I heard Eric yell.
"Elia. Make him believe I'm the monster. That I kidnapped you okay. I don't want you to get in trouble. Follow along okay." He whispered as we ran.
I turned back towards Eric. "Help me!!" I cried.
I honestly was scared of the decision I took.
"Eric!! Help me!" I even felt convinced myself I was calling him for help.
Then I saw Eric, pull it out.
His gun. Then the familiar sound of a bang.
The air whizzing by me.
A gunshot.  I screamed once I saw, Tadashi collapse to the floor.
The familiar scent of rust.
The familiar pool of blood.
The familiar scene, of a body falling to the ground. I fell down with him.
Scraping my knees against the warm pavement. The fire slowly collapsing around us.
"Tadashi!" I cried desperately trying to get a good look at his face.
He groaned. "Elia. Go. It's too late. The fire is going to.."
I shook my head.
"If you are going to die than so am I!"
I hit my ankle hard against the pavement, multiple times. I screamed in pain, when I heard the snap of my ankle.
"Stupid lamb. You'd rather die with me."
I laid my head against the pavement floor. 
"I'd rather die with you."
The fire's heat got closer as the ash and embers fell on to our faces.
His perfect smile, as his face lay on the pool of blood.
"You know I love you Elia, more than anything. Forgive me for everything."
"Tadashi. I..love you too." At that moment.
Everything became inaudible.
I saw him talking.
Apologies, confessions, his father's name, his father's death date. His father's amount of ex wives. His father's company.
Then the number 45.
My guess his father's age when he died.
Then one more sentence.
45 scars , 45 murders, 45 roses, and I will say I love you 45 times.
Then at that moment.
I closed my eyes, to weak to keep them open.
To only know, this was the tragic end to our love.
The tragic end, to his Perfect Psychopath's Romance.

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