Music box

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(Don't play video til told)
I woke up in my room,
the window wide open the cold air filling up every space of the room.
The dim lights on, and my dress from yesterday hanging on the wardrobe door.
I covered myself in the fur blanket.
Tadashi was no where in sight. I got up to my feet and closed the window.
I was wearing a green pajama dress. My hair was straightened out again, and light make up.
I grabbed the music box, and opened it. 
(Play the video)
I watched the ballerina twirl with the music.
I admired the smile she had. Even the ballerina was happy to be trapped inside a small box.
Maybe I could learn from her.
I sat on the corner of my bed and watched it twirl.
I admired the rubies and emeralds in the box.
I grabbed a pair of earring and put them on.
I looked at my reflection in the music box.
I had dark circles under my eyes, and my face was skinnier than before.
I smiled at my reflection.
Maybe it wasn't too bad to live here...
the ballerina was right, keeping a smile even though she was trapped.

Father's view:
I had investigated more on the girl Tanya. It seems she had disappeared two nights after Elia had disappeared.
Around the same time of day.
The murderer was interested in young women.
I was worried, that my daughter was dead.
I looked at past reports of his victims.
All were brutally murdered.
None of the disappearances appeared alive.
My hopes for my daughter was slim, but I will fight til I find her dead or alive.

Tadashi's view:
I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I had bathed already since the blood had dried up.
I prefer the blood to still be fresh.
I thought of Elia's screams.
I found them satisfying.

Elia's view:
I hummed along with the music box.
I set it down on the bed, and waltzed around the room alone, barefooted.
I remembered of Tadashi when I first met him.
His sweet eyes, his charming voice.
My head spun in circles,
I fell down against the wardrobe.
I don't know what I'm thinking at this point.
I fell betrayed by my own heart and mind.
There was no way I have fallen in love with
This murderer.
I put my head against the wardrobe.
I must be confused right,
I must be going crazy.
I want him to get caught and pay for all he's done.
I put my hands on my forehead.
"Elia Madison. You are being driven crazy"
The door opened. I put my back against the wardrobe, I clenched my fists.
His eyes looked into mine.
"....." I only watched him in silence.
I held on to the dress that was hanging on the wardrobe.
He walked over to me, he put his hands against the wardrobe.
He made the space between us a centimeter.
I clenched my fists tighter, but was worst is I couldn't find the force inside me to hit him.
He whispered in my ear. "My love~"
I couldn't look him in the eye.
I couldn't believe myself.
I fell for him,
For this cold blooded killer.
The music box kept playing.
He smiled and stroked my cheek.
"You like the music box don't you."
I nodded.
"Just like I thought."
I looked over his shoulder,

The ballerina twirled with a smile.

I smiled.

I had to learn to be like her....

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