Officer Park

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I haven't found a single clue besides the fingerprint of Elia Madison.
Nothing of the other victims.
This murderer was smarter than I thought.
He knew how to perfectly hide all the evidence.
I sat on my bike and thought.
If I were a murderer what would I do?
I turned on my motorcycle and decided I'd head towards Chief Madison's home.
Maybe I should learn about Elia Madison a bit more.
I parked in front of their home and knocked silently on their door.
A frail woman opened the door.
"Officer Park?"
I nodded.
"Could I learn a bit more about Your daughter Elia Madison."
She nodded and let me inside.
"What would you like to ask about her?" She asked with her shakily voice.
"I want to see her room, I won't ask you questions."
She lead me to a room upstairs.
The door had a sign, that was pink and had butterflies.
She unlocked the door, and before leaving she gave me the saddest smile I had ever seen.
The bed was nicely done,
The room smelled like roses and the lights were bright.
On her vanity was a box of makeup and her phone charger.
I sat on her bed and looked around the room.
She was girly,
The scent of roses,
Make up, mostly pale pink lipstick.
I wrote that down in my notebook.
This could help me find his next victim.
I saw a picture frame in the corner of her room.
I picked it up.
There was a girl with brown curled hair and playful brown eyes.
A cute smile.
So this was Elia Madison.

I took the picture out of the frame and placed it inside my notebook.

before shutting it I glanced at the picture. " I'll bring you home safe and sound."

something told me she was alive,

It was a hope I guess you could call it. I kept looking around her room, to find notes in a jewelry box, notes of her boyfriend.

after giving a final glance of her room I closed the door behind me. A small child ran up to me. He was about 9 years old.

"Are you the person investigating My sis's case?" he asked in his quiet , yet adorable voice.

I knelt down in front of him and nodded. "Yes I am, Eric Park."

I shook his hand with a smile. He smiled shyly. "I'm Max."

I watched him walk away, my guess back to his room.

I got back up to my feet,

thanked The chief's wife and walked out their front door.

I got on my motorcycle and pulled out my notebook again.

I pulled out the picture of her and sighed.

"I still couldn't find a clue," I looked up to see a man walking towards the chief's house.

it was Tadashi,

Elia Madison's boyfriend.

I jumped off my bike and ran over to him. This was my perfect chance to ask him about Elia.

He noticed me walking over to him. He smiled sadly and waited for me to speak.

"You're Tadashi correct?"

"Yes, I am Tadashi. My guess you must be the officer behind my girlfriend's case."

"I'm Eric Park, and yes I am the officer."

"Have you found anything about her?" I watched him cradle the roses he carried in his arms.

"no, nothing that leads us to where she is."

Tadashi nodded. " well, if you do find her. I will give you my thanks. I really looked forward to having my future with her."

I nodded, and pulled out my notebook. "Tell me, what happened the night she disappeared? what was the last thing she said?"

he looked a bit hurt but nodded. " the last thing she said was, I'll be there soon."

I wrote that down, then I asked him what time? and other personal questions.

He answered all of them,

I pat his back and smiled. " I will find her Tadashi, dead or alive."

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