His murderous smile

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Wherever I was, it smelled like pumpkin spice. I opened my eyes to see red bed curtains above my head. I was under a fuzzy wolf skin blanket. I shuddered when I felt the cold air from the open window, I pulled the blanket up to my neck. Then I realized. I didn't have chains, I wasn't tied, and there was no Tadashi in sight. I hopped off the bed, I was wearing a white silk pajama dress, and my hair had been straightened. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a small bruise by my lip, did he hit me, or was it when I hit the floor. I looked out the window, three stories high. If I jumped from here, I'd possibly kill myself, I even noticed the rose bush, with sharp pointy thorns. I heard my door creak. I jumped and bumped against the vanity. "You're up?" I looked up to see Tadashi. His smile creeped me out. He stood in front of me, the vanity to my back. I smelled his cologne, the same one he used the day he asked me out. I stared at him in fear. He put his hands on the vanity and leaned closer to me. His face a centimeter away from mine. His eyes looking deeply into mine. "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed, and afraid. " you." I stared at him quietly as I remembered his threat of killing my family. He smirked as if he read my mind, knowing what I was thinking. "I'll be back my love." He walked away and locked the door behind him. Maybe it would be better to die on a rose bush then have him keeping me here. I looked out the window and remembered everything. The day we met, class, walking home together our dates. I felt the tears sting my cheeks. Was that all a lie, I really did love him. I cried and screamed in frustration. Now look at me,
Another addition to case 45.

Father's view:
Since the day, my sweet child left on her date with her boyfriend, she never came back.
What made me feel worse, was seeing her boyfriend crying at our doorstep, once he saw her name on the news as another disappearance of Case 45. That day of her date, he came asking why hadn't she arrived.
He visits daily, asking if I know anything about her. Unfortunately, nothing that belonged to her was found, my daughter. I swear to you I will find you wherever you are.

Elia's view: I laid on the bed and traced the Victorian design on the comforter.  I looked around the room, it was nice, like one of those I watched in tv shows, this really was a mansion, who exactly was Tadashi. I got off the bed and walked over to the closet, I opened it to find expensive brands of clothes, Italian dresses, all colors, but mostly red. Elegant shoes all my size, I walked over to the vanity, I opened the jewelry box, it played its eerie music as I looked at the rubies. I shut it and sat down on the bed again. Everything here was for me. The jewelry were all my type, long earrings, and matching rings. The bracelets with dragon designs. I looked at the red  bed curtains and touched it. It  was soft felt. Why was he doing this, he's a murderer isn't he going to kill me? Why would he need to give me all this? I laid back down and hugged the wolf blanket. "After all of this, why do I keep believing in him."
I whispered to myself. When I heard footsteps. I jumped and sat up. I wrapped myself in the fur blanket and watched the door creak open. I felt my voice crack as I tried saying who's there. Tadashi walked in with blood smeared all over his bare chest. He wiped off the blood on his face, while smiling at me. I screamed and fell back. Never have I felt this afraid in my life. He sat on the corner of my bed and kept smiling at me. "Why are you scared?" He asked as he pulled off his necklace and threw it to the vanity, I watched it hit against the jewelry box making it play a note. He crawled closer to me, I tried getting up but he pulled me back down, with one arm. "Stay right where you are. Elia."
My eyes looked into his, I saw my reflection.
My straight hair was now tangled on the left side, a tear sliding down my cheek. His smile faded, he laid my head down on the pillow. "Rest up Elia." He stroked my cheek with his blood covered hand. I sobbed as his hand stroked my cheek , then my throat. "Shhh don't cry..." he wiped the tears with his hand, smearing the blood on my cheek. I choked my tears, and tried pushing him away, but he stayed still. "You don't like blood on your face do you?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes to see the Tadashi I once knew. The gentle eyes not the blood thirsty eyes. "I don't." I sobbed. He pulled out a handkerchief from his pants pocket and wiped my face. He held the handkerchief and watched my face closely. I was scared. Was he going to kill me. I could smell the blood on him making me shudder in disgust. He looked all over me, while cupping my face with his hand. It made me self conscious since I was only a white pajama dress. He smirked as he saw the bruise below my lip. He leaned in close and kissed the bruise. I elbowed his stomach. He chuckled. "If we were dating you wouldn't have done that."
He grabbed my throat. "You really aren't scared to die are you?" I felt his grip tighten a little, before he released me.
I gasped for air and sobbed louder. "What do you want from me!" I punched his chest in frustration multiple times, he just watched me with his blood thirsty eyes, and his murderous smile. He pushed me with his right hand, my face hit against the white headboard. My ears started ringing. I tried opening my eyes, but I just heard the ringing get louder. I guess this is my end of...pitch black , nothing.

Tadashi's view:
I had enjoyed my last kills. My last toying around. My last victims screams. Their different voice range cries. From high to low, to thicker vocal cords. Eyes shades of blue and brown. But none were like hers. The cute voice of a sugar sweet angel, the eyes brown as the deep coffee I drank every morning. The jet black hair that smelled like vanilla. Her soft pale skin.

My ideal possession. 

"What do you want!" She demands.


I was just saying the truth.

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