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It smelled like rust wherever I was. I was laying on something cold, my guess was a bathroom floor. I could hear the shower running, and quiet humming coming from inside. My wrist still felt numb where I was injected. My hands had been tied, and so were my ankles. My eyes had been covered. He was that murderer my dad was looking for. Am I his next victim! Am I going to die! Then I heard a girl cry. "...please...save me....don't kill me." I wasn't the only one. I shifted over and hit against the other girl. She screamed, but then realized I was another victim. "Who are you?" She croaked. "Not him" I muttered. She sobbed. "He's going to kill us. I heard what happened to Hannah."
"Hannah?" I asked with my own shakily voice.
"Yes, he killed her yesterday night. He kept repeating Elia as he stabbed her."
He repeated my name while he killed her. It made me nervous and anxious. I shivered when I heard the shower turn off. Then the creaks, of the floor as he walked towards us. "My sweet Elia. Did she bother you?" He asked. I kept quiet. He kicked the girl next to me, she screamed. "I told you to leave Elia alone." I heard her scream again. I wriggled on the floor, then I felt him caress my cheek. "I'll be back for you~" I moved my face away from his hand. I heard the girl scream as he dragged her with him. The screams sounded more distant as every second passed by. I screamed. I was scared. I didn't want to die. I just had started my life. I wriggled around then hit against the bathtub. I felt numb and sore, it was quiet, but then a blood curdling scream. I sobbed. She was just killed. Right here, right now, by that man I once called my Boyfriend. I tried getting up but the soreness of my body wouldn't allow me to get up. I heard footsteps coming towards wherever I was. I sobbed louder as the door creaked as it opened. "Oh my sweet Elia, why crying?" I felt him kneel next to me. He took off the band from my eyes. I looked into his brown eyes. His lips parted as he looked at me, staying quiet for a moment before sobbing again. He grabbed the collar of my dress and pulled me up, close to his face. I squirmed but he held me tightly. "I won't kill you just yet my sweet Elia. It would be a shame to not hear that cute voice again, to not see those eyes." I tried fighting against him but he still held me tightly. His eyes looking into mine. "You killed her!"
"So?" "And all those past victims, you're the murderer behind case 45!" He smirked.
"I can just imagine your dad freaking out, finding out his sweet little princess is the next disappearance." I hit him with my shoulder hard. He let go of me, I hit the cold tile. He laid down on the floor next to me. His eyes looking into mine. My voice left me in fear. "My love~"
I shuddered violently as I watched him lick his lips. "What do you want! Kill me already!" I desperately screamed as he squirmed closer to me. "I won't kill you.. my Love. Just keep quiet and I won't kill you." I felt his breath against my throat as I tried fighting for my freedom. He put his forehead against mine, "kill me!" I screamed. "I won't kill you. Ever my love. But if you keep annoying me and not doing what I tell you, I'll set a date. For you're family to die. After all I have them well watched, I know all the entrances and exits to your home. Do you really want to defy me?" My heart ached as I imagined my mother, father, and siblings. No, I won't let that happen. I will do anything I must for them, even if it's death. I stayed quiet, and looked at him. "Good girl.~" He placed his lips on mine, before getting up to his knees. He pulled out a syringe. "Now sleep my Love."

Perfect Psychopath's RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now