His Honeymoon

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Suhan smiled.
"Just follow us when we are leaving okay."
I nodded, and took a sip from my punch.
I was finally free.
I could finally escape.
I took a seat and watched the musicians socializing.
Some congratulated me on my marriage.
I smiled.
showed them gratitude for coming.
These moments of hope,
It made me happy.
But that would soon end,
After all this was his honeymoon.

I scanned through the crowd, to see Tadashi speaking with the musicians.
He seemed happy.
I placed my fork down and got to my feet.
For these small moments, I guess I could make him happy.
I hugged Tadashi from behind.
He glanced back at me with a sincere smile.
"Mhm~ is that my wife." He teased.
I smiled.
He bit his lip in excitement. He turned around and held me in his arms.
I could smell the strong cologne.
Then I heard the loud, sharp, ringing sound.
A gunshot.
My eardrum possibly popped,
leaving me deaf for a few seconds.
I turned around to see one of the musicians falling to the floor,
With a big hole in his head.
Another gunshot,
The other musician fell to the ground,
Holding on tightly to their chest where the bullet was.
I screamed in fear,
As I watched a third musician get shot in the head.
I looked at Tadashi,
He held a golden pistol In his hand.
The musicians started to run,
Making the dining hall chaotic.
I got pushed into Tadashi,
I felt someone tug at my wrist. I looked up to see Suhan. He pulled me along with him. In the crowd,
I heard the gunshots, and saw the blood fly,
Splattering my dress. I looked up to see Suhan still well.
I screamed as I felt a bullet cut through my veil.
My guess Tadashi didn't realize I had left his side. He wouldn't have shot at me.
Suhan pulled me through the door.
He sighed a bit.
"Are you okay Elia?" He asked while giving me a side glance.
I nodded. He smiled.
"I promise I'll get you out of here."
He reached out towards me. I placed my hand into his. We started running towards the big wooden doors.
The doors I hadn't seen since I lived here.
I could see the sunshine on the other side of that door.
Suhan opened the door, letting me take a breath of the world I had missed.
The cold air brushing against my skin.
Suhan and I continued to run towards the black musicians van.
The gunshots were loud,
and the screams of those inside could be heard.
The blood splattered against the windows in the dining hall.
Suhan buckled my seatbelt, before trying to start the van.
But to our luck,
The van did not start.
Suhan unbuckled my seatbelt.
And grabbed me by the wrist, he made me run with him into the maze of trees.
The forest that surrounded Tadashi's home.
He kept pushing forward even though my dress and heels slowed us down.
He kept glancing back with a sad smile.
I knew he wanted to make me feel safe.
But since I was older,
I knew he was tired, afraid. Heartbroken.
I fell forward since my heel got stuck in the dirt.
Suhan put his arms around my waist and pulled me out of the heels. "Leave the shoes, let's escape."
I nodded, as I stepped on the pebbles and kept running with his hand holding mine tightly.
The rocks started to cut into my feet making me quietly cry out in pain.
Suhan smiled and continued running with me. The sun had set by the time we stopped to take a breath.
I sat down on the grass, and put my back against a tree.
Suhan knelt beside me.
We both looked up to the sky.
The stars twinkled, like if they were dancing to the tune of the music box.
I smiled as I felt freedom calling out for me.
But before I had realized.
Suhan Young ,
was lying face down on the grass.
And then I heard,
"Found you.~"

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