Eric Park

637 28 0

I got on my motorcycle,
and started to head towards Elia's close friend Mira.
I put my sunglasses on as I drove.
The air was nice but chilly.
I liked it.
I parked my motorcycle. I knocked at her door.
The girl opened the door.
"Are you Mira?"
"I need to ask you a few questions."
"I swear I didn't steal his fudge cake I swear."
"Fudge cake?...look I came  here to ask about your Friend Elia Madison."
He jaw dropped, then her smile faded.
"Oh. Elia... come in officer."
She lead me to her couch and offered me hot cocoa. "Nah I'm going to pass thanks though."
She sat down, and wrapped herself with her blue fuzzy blanket.
"What would you like to ask officer?"
"In the report, it says you are her only friend is that true?"
"Everyone liked Elia. I couldn't believe I'm her only friend."
"Hm...what about Tadashi? Who is he?"
I looked at an image of him smiling.
"Oh! Tadashi he's Elia's boyfriend. Since she disappeared he hasn't been able to keep up with school."
I nodded.
"If you thought any of your classmates as a suspect, who would you believe it was?"
Her lips parted, dumbfounded by my question.
I kept looking at the picture if Tadashi.
Something felt off.
But I must be imagining things.
"Maybe our teacher aid. Scott."
"Scott Woods?"
She nodded.
"He always picked on her. I don't know."
She seemed to be telling me the truth.
"Um Mr. officer."
"Is Elia...Alive?" She asked. I could see the hope in her eyes.
"We aren't sure..Mira. But I promise I will bring her home."
Mira nodded.
"We are counting on you officer."
I nodded before setting off.
Now I was headed to speak with
Scott Woods.

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