His caring smile

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Elia's view:
It was the next day, I had changed into my best clothes I found in my closet. It was my white sweater, my black ripped skinny jeans, my black boots. I fixed my makeup and ran out the door, to my surprise he was already there.
He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Let's go eat breakfast before going to school okay."
"Okay." We walked towards the train, he helped me hop on before the doors shut. We needed to stay standing since all the seats were occupied. I looked at him, he was smiling at me .  We got off at the stop for the school but we walked over to the nearest cafe. We sat at the table outside. They served us our drinks and food. I couldn't help but smile as I noticed him watching me eat. Then I heard to girls speaking. "Did you hear about the other girls disappearance, she disappeared last night." I looked over to them. "Another girl was taken?" Tadashi asked me while I took a sip. "I guess, I didn't check the news this morning."
He looked at me and sighed. "Aren't you scared he comes for you?"
"Should I be?" I asked putting my sandwich down. " I mean. You get out late from school."
"But you walk me home." He smiled. "True, I won't let him take you." "Thanks Tadashi."
He smiled and touched one of my hair strands, "your hair is very pretty Elia."
"Yours is too." I said before taking another sip.
He chuckled before biting his lip. "We should go to school now Elia."
"Yeah yeah, let's go." He paid for our breakfast, then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to school with him. My heart raced as I watched him smile at me as he ran. We ran into our class before the bell rang. Mira chuckled. "You two are acting like preschoolers, holding hands, running to class."
"Shut it Mira." I said while slightly glaring. She chuckled and hugged my throat.
I watched Tadashi awkwardly chuckle as he watched us. The teacher made her way in and made us get ready for our lab. "Choose a partner." Mira eyed me. I smiled then I looked over at Tadashi. There were a group of girls asking him. Tadashi curved his eyes towards me. "Elia, want to be partners?" I nodded. "Sure." The girls scoffed and walked away. He chuckled nervously. "Sorry I used you as an excuse to get them away."
"It's okay, someone attractive like you would obviously receive lots of attention."
He threw a lab coat at me. "Get it on, let's get started."
I put on my lab coat and tied my hair back while I watched him get the supplies. He put the stuff in front of me. It was a scalpel, two Petri dishes , and a frog. "What are we supposed to do?" I asked him quietly. "Dissect the frog, and we put what we find interesting in the Petri dish. "Ah okay." He grabbed the scalpel, "Do you wanna cut or should I cut?" He asked. "Lets take turns." I said as I let him do the first incision. I watched him perfectly cut the frog open, it almost gave me chills how he kept a straight face.  He glanced at me. "Feeling ill?" "Kinda, it smells gross." He nodded. "It does smell gross, but this is our duty in class." "Guess you're right."
He handed me the scalpel, I cut the frogs tongue, just because I was curious how small it was. He chuckled and put the tongue in the Petri dish. "You really are weird Elia, you went for the tongue, I thought you'd go for the heart or.." "the heart sounds girly." I teased as he washed the scalpel. I picked up the Petri dish, it fell out of my hands, and the glass shattered, it cut my ankle. "Ow!" I fell and hugged my ankle. He dropped the scalpel in the sink and looked at my ankle. "Are you okay?" I shook my head. I noticed the tiny glass shard sticking out by my ankle. It was disgusting. He picked me up bridal style, "Mira tell teach she got hurt, I'm taking her to the infirmary." He carried me in the halls making me self conscious, of my skirt.  A student opened the door for us, he put me down in the bed and looked for the doctor. She wasn't there. He came back and pulled out the glass shard himself with some tweezers. I gulped the pain, and acted tough, but I let out a gasp when I saw the blood stain my socks. He sterilized my cut before covering it up. "Wow you're like a doctor." I said as I looked down into his brown hair. "Am I now?" He looked up and smiled. "You should be fine now, let's go home." He helped me on to my feet and let me lean against him as we walked. We walked to the train station and he helped me get a seat by the door. When it was out stop he helped me get out, "let me give you a piggy back ride." "Eh?"
He kneeled and waited for me to get on his back. I let him carry me home. My heart fluttered as I accidentally sniffed his hair. He chuckled quietly as if he knew. He dropped me off at the doorstep. "See ya Elia." "Bye." He leaned down and put his forehead against mine. "Will I be seeing you tomorrow?" He asked. I gulped and slowly stepped back. "We don't have school tomorrow, should we hangout."
I nodded. "Sure."

???'s view: I went to her house first thing in the morning. She's my prey no one else's. In the train I couldn't help but smile watching her innocently falling for my trap. A simple smile can fool her, what a foolish lamb she is. I heard those girls talking about last nights kill, I couldn't help but to fool her even more. I even wanted to see how she reacted. She depended on me, she really thinks I'm a good guy. I couldn't help but enjoy from this. During the project, I cut the frog with such tenderness. I didn't want to scare her just yet. Then the blood on her ankle, it really did start a fire in my eyes.

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