Our Honeymoon

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It was a dome like room, made of all glass, 

A greenery. It started with white roses which slowly developed to different colors in order. The last rose was a dark blood red. 

"All these roses are for you Elia." 

I looked around the place, the scent filling up my nose.

I looked up to see the crystal Chandelier. 

I  spun a circle to get a good glance of this room. 

He left the room, locking the door behind him. I heard him humming silently in the hall.

I couldn't help but enjoy myself in this room.

The floral scent and the shades of white to red were satisfying. 

I tore a rose of the bush. 

I looked at every petal, each with it's own different features.

I couldn't help but sob, 

remembering  roses had always been my favorite.

He remembered that. 

My heart couldn't help but fall for him. 

I sat down on the cold tile, and screamed out my anger, confusion, and fear. 

Tadashi's view:

I heard her screams, 

she was frustrated with herself. She was confused about her own mind and heart.

It seems my plan had worked out perfectly. 

Elia Madison, No Elia Iwazaki was finally mine. 

I chuckled at my own satisfaction. 

I knew if I kept that Violinist a prisoner, 

I'd manage to keep her well behaved.

A Perfect hostage.

I remembered the stupid cop Eric Park,

his stupid promise of finding Elia. 

No one will find her, not ever, 

not dead or alive. 

she will always be here with me.

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