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I used the wall to guide myself up. I knew I couldn't leave Suhan here. So I used my full force, to push Tadashi's leg off his back.
Tadashi shook his head in disgust and disappointment. "Fine. Be that way Elia."
I put my arms around Suhan's back and glanced up to Tadashi.
I was afraid but I couldn't let him kill my only hopes.
Tadashi punched the wall next to my head. "I'll let him live. But stop touching him."
I let go of Suhan and fell back. Feeling Tadashi's bloody knuckles next to my ear.
"Now be a good girl and go to your room." I saw the golden pistol in his other hand.
I shook my head. "Not until I see Suhan is safe." I said feeling Suhan's courage inside me.
Tadashi chuckled, his laugh slowly turning maniacal. "Wow you don't trust me Elia."
I just stared at him silently. "As you wish wife~" he kicked Suhan. "Get up." He pointed the gun at him. Suhan got up to his feet, wincing in pain.
"Walk." Tadashi ordered him.
I followed behind them. I watched the young poor Suhan make his way to the attic, while the gun was pointed at his spine. Once he got in the attic, Tadashi shut it and turned to look at me.
He raised his hand as if he were to slap me. I closed my eyes ready to get hit.
Instead of hitting me he stopped.
He cupped my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"You are becoming more defiant, day by day. For some reason I find it amusing."
I couldn't help but pull my face away from his hand. I hated him.
Yet I loved him.
I ran back to my room, and threw myself in the bed.
I screamed into my pillow. "I want to go home! I want to see my mom!! My siblings! My dad! My friends!"
I felt nauseous, so I got off my bed and walked my way towards the restroom.
Using the wall to guide me since my head felt heavier than my body.
Why was I feeling sick?
Was this from anger? Sadness?
I opened the door,
I fell to my knees and vomited into the porcelain bowl.
My back ached as I vomited and tried stopping myself from doing so.
My head hurt more.
And my eyes blurred with my tears.
I looked up, without controlling myself.
I noticed a bloody foot in the corner.
And I hadn't realized.

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