Family as One

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(Back to where we left off)
Eric Park's view:
She cried. Her trembling body made me worry. She passed out there in my arms. I picked her up gently, making sure I didn't touch any of the bruises. We opened the door. There standing in front of us, Was Tadashi Iwazaki. 
He held a hand from a corpse.

He licked his lips, before smirking

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He licked his lips, before smirking.
My partners pointed their guns at him.
"Hello Officer Park. Fancy to see you here." He teased."
"You are under arrest,"
At that moment, Elia pushed me, knocking my balance. She put herself in front of Tadashi.
"Run Tadashi!" She cried. "Run!"
The look in her eyes were that of a woman blindly in love. Tadashi smirked, satisfied with Elia's actions and ran off. He spoke in a language I never heard before. Elia, the only person to understand what he said. Relaxed her face. Before She fell to her knees, and this time actually passed out.
My partners tried running after him, but I stopped them.
"Now is not the time to go after him." My partners glanced at me. "But he's a serial.."
"He won't be able to leave. As long as she is with us."
"What do you mean?" Mirian asked me, as she angrily put her gun down.
"Elia, seems to be important to him. She's the only one he's kept alive out of all the cases."
Mirian, punched me. "He killed my sister! Yet you ask me to stay calm."
"Mirian. He could've used Elia as a hostage."
"He killed my little sister Lilian Delan! She was his first victim!"
My other partner Tom, put his hands on her shoulder
"calm down. We will catch him for sure."
I carried Elia in my arms towards outside. We had called an ambulance since Elia did seem to be out of shape.
I sat in the ambulance with her. I called her family. "Hello..o?" Her mother asked In a shakily voice.
"Hello, this is Officer Eric Park."
"Yes?" Her voice got worse as if she was expecting bad news.
"I have found your daughter Elia Madison. She's being transported to the hospital right now. She's alive."
I heard her cry with tears of joy and sorrow.
Her daughter had been found alive after all these months.
I smiled at my own success.
"I found you Elia. Alive. Nothing could be better than that."
The paramedics were doing their job while I called Elia's family and friends.
Chief called me and said he'd title me co-chief if the police station, since I brought his daughter back home.
I sat in her room, watching her sleep.
She looked at peace. I held the music box in my hands.
This music box, I imagine she treasured it, I opened it to find jewelry, expensive rubies and emeralds. The haunting tune taking up every last corner of the room.
Why did she like this thing. It would give me nightmares.
Her mother ran in the room with her siblings.
Her little brother giving me a hug. "Thanks big brother!! You saved my sister!"
I had never been called big brother in my life.
I liked it.
"I'm happy I found her." I said to him and his mother.
Her smile when she saw her daughter asleep.
I still hadn't heard from the doctors but from the look on his face. I knew something was wrong.

Elia's view: I woke up in a hospital room. It smelled clean. I glanced around to see my mother's face. "Mom?" I asked. I must be dreaming. Then I remembered. The cop that saved me. He brought me home.
My little brother jumped on the bed. "Sister!" It kinda hurt my ribs. But I couldn't help and laugh. "I'm home mom."
I glanced around the room. Mira holding a box of candies. "I bought your favorite bestie!"
Then standing in the back was the officer.
He seemed to be smiling. Happy.
"It's good to see your awake. Elia."
He said as he walked over to my side .
Then I remembered.
Tadashi Iwazaki.
"Where's Tadashi?" I jumped forward. Hurting my back.
The officer's face saddened a bit when I mentioned him.
"He's still out on the loose."
I nodded and laid back down.
Half relieved but half afraid I was finally free.
The doctor walked in to the room.
"You're awake."
I could see, he had news. From the way he looked at me. They were bad.
"Miss Madison."
"Yes doctor."
"It seems you are pregnant."
It shocked me.
Never did I imagine, that would have happened. From that time. By force. I didn't imagine. I would've gotten pregnant.
I remembered that day. I held my stomach.
I was holding the child of my kidnapper.
The child of Tadashi.
The child of a murderer.

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