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I woke up to see the white ceiling.
I was in a hospital, I could smell it.
"Elia! Elia." I looked to my right to see My mother. "Elia! Thank god you're okay."
"Mom." She held my hand and kissed it multiple times. Then I remembered. "My child!"
"It's fine Elia." Eric said to my left with a smile. "And we finally caught the culprit. You don't have to worry anymore. He'll soon be behind bars or possibly receive the death sentence."
No. He can't, I thought. He was he father of my child. He was he man I loved.
I nodded and smiled. "Does that mean I'm free?"  I asked scared, to hear what would come next.
My father almost broke the door down coming in.  "My Sweet Elia! I won't let it happen again."
He gave me a bear hug. I coughed trying to get oxygen. "Dad..your choking me."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" He cried and knelt beside the bed. "It's all my fault Elia."
I shook my head.
"I took my decisions, my decisions lead to this."
Eric kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair.
"Tomorrow you will be called into court. As witness of his murders and assaults. Tell them everything."
I nodded. "I will do so."
I grew anxious as every minute passed.
The next day, I myself would be confessing the crimes of the man I love.
I heard a violin play in the distance. It startled me, making me open my eyes.
On the window I saw the reflection of a violinist, the violinist I admired.
The sad tune.
I could see the notes flying around the room, when I remembered, that time I played the piano when Tadashi played the violin.
It was the same piece.
I could see the piano keys, as I moved my fingers like he told me too.
Then I thought of the sad look on Tadashi's face when he played.
Then a passionate violinist who sat near the back in an orchestra.
Suhan adding vibrato even to the short staccato notes, with his passionate smile.
I missed them both.
The look of peace and serenity when they played.
I couldn't but help and let the tears crawl down my face.
I cried out the pain I felt for them.
I cried out for my loss.
Eric Park ran into the room. "Elia what's wrong?!"
I shook my head.
He wouldn't believe me if I told him I saw his reflection on the glass.
He'd think I'm crazy.
"It's nothing."
He smiled and sat on the bed beside me. He hugged me, rocking me in his arms.
"No one cries for no reason silly."
I choked back my tears and cried out.
"It's okay, Elia I promise you are safe now."
The next day,
I wore a black dress down to my knees. I straightened out my hair, and did a low coat of makeup.
I followed behind Eric, as he lead me to the court room they were holding it at.
I sat in the audience with him, waiting for my name to be called up.
I heard every crime they said about Tadashi.
I watched Tadashi as he watched the judges waiting for his time to be sentenced.
"Mrs. Elia Iwazaki. Or do you prefer to be called Ms. Madison."
I got up to my feet, to be followed by Eric Park.
"Mrs. Iwazaki is fine." I said quietly.
"Now witness, tell us. What did you witness as his hostage."
No, I wasn't his hostage I thought.
I thought of the happy moments we did have together, the wedding we held, the greenhouse he had created for me.
The time he protected me form the mirror.
When he claimed me as his wife.
The first time we met.
"I wasn't his hostage." I said out loud, loud enough for everyone to hear.
For even my Father to hear.
"I..I was his wife. Do you want to know what I witnessed."
The judge's jaw dropped. "Girl. You must.."
Eric lightly nudged my back. "Let her speak judge, she knows what she is saying."
I glanced at Eric Park, I could see disappointment and encouragement in his eyes. "Go on. Say what you must."
I nodded and looked back at the judge.
I looked at him directly in the eyes, just to convince him even more.
"Tadashi Iwazaki, was never in his right senses.  He was abused mentally by his father when he was young. Since then he's been having mental issues. I believe your honor, he should receive mental treatment  instead of a sentence."
I saw Tadashi watching me with his brown gentle eyes.
"That is all I will say your honor." I smiled brightly. "Thanks for listening."
Eric and I made our way back to our seat. I could see the angry look my father had as I held in the pain.
After a long trial the judge and jury had decided his sentence.
" I sentence Tadashi Iwazaki, to two years of Mental treatment, at the Ruthuer's Mental hospital."
"This court session is now over"
I watched them all take their leave. The officers taking Tadashi when he called out. "Elia!" I looked at him.
I knew the treatment would change his heart. He needed to be set free, just like I was.
Eric nudged me. "Go see what he wants."
I made my way towards him, the officers nodded and left us to talk alone.
"Elia. My sweet Elia. Why did you do it? Didn't you want revenge for everything I did to you."
I shook my head and smiled brightly at him.
"I couldn't do that to you. I love you Tadashi."
He smiled and put his hands on my face, he pulled me closer to him, our foreheads touching.
"Stupid lamb."
"Stockholm." I whispered back. "It really does exist doesn't it."
After our few moments of being together the officers took us our separate ways.
Eric Park took me back to the apartment, Tadashi was transferred to the hospital.
At this moment,
I knew I had done what I felt was right in my heart.

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