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(Dont Play the music til told to)
After our lips separated he whispered in my ear. "Good..you're not fighting back against me."
He smiled and kissed my ring finger.
"Elia Iwasaki. I like the sound of that."
"Madison. That's my last name."
He shook his head. "Iwasaki."
The musicians played their piece.
(Play the video)
Tadashi grabbed my hand and pulled me with him toward the red circle in the tile.
He put his hand on my waist, the other hand he locked it with mine.
We waltz around the room.
I could hear our footsteps, on the tile.
The music,
Reminding me of the life I had ahead of me.
The violins cried out my feelings of
And help.
We waltzed faster as the music quickened.
His charming eyes looking into mine.
He only confused me more.
I didn't know if he actually loved me.
I bet all he wants to do,
Is kill me.
But his eyes told me something else.
They were smooth, as if gentle.
Sweet and kind.
But behind,
The craving of lust, blood, and kindness.
Was sadness.
It confused me more.
I wanted to see happiness, in his eyes.
We continued waltzing around the room.
When I noticed the violinist.
He was playing passionately,
in the back of his row.
The sweat rolling down his silky black hair.
His expression,
Excited as if this was his dream.
I smiled.
Tadashi smiled at me.
My eyes looking back into this puzzle of mysteriousness in his eyes.
The sunlight danced with the stained glass windows,
The shades of red to green,
reflected on our faces.
My white dress changing colors as we danced.
He spun my around while smiling.
I had almost forgotten he was a murderer.
We stopped dancing. The musicians stopped playing. "All of you get a drink, you must all be tired."
I smiled as he lead all of us into a dining hall.
The violinist squeezed through the space,
he stopped once our eyes had locked.
I could hear the music just by looking at him.
I looked away in fear,
If Tadashi noticed this.
He'd have him skinned.
He walked closer.
I served him a cup of punch.
I lowered my eyes, so our eyes wouldn't meet.
I nodded. I took a sip from my cup as I looked around the dining hall for Tadashi.
The violinist placed the cup down loudly, as if trying to get my attention.

 The violinist placed the cup down loudly, as if trying to get my attention

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I looked at him, still avoiding his eyes.
"Is something wrong?" I asked him, as I fixed my gloves nervously.
I looked up at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
His lips parted, he glanced around the room, as if looking for Tadashi.
His eyes looked into mine.
"You're Elia Madison. The disappearance from my city. Isn't that right?"
I shuddered afraid to tell him the truth.
But I could see it in his eyes.
He knew who I was.
Maybe this was my chance to escape this place.
Maybe he could take me home.
"I saw the picture of you on the news, it's you no doubt about it."
I smiled. I gave in to my cowardice.
"I'm Elise Iwasaki."
He put his hands on my shoulders, and shook his head.
"Don't lie to me. I know you're Elia."
The other musicians glanced at us. Wanting to hear what was going on.
I shook off his hands. "Even so, it's not your business what happens to me. Just leave the soonest you can."
I walked towards the exit of the hall, but he caught my wrist.
"I'm not leaving you here." I turned to look at him.
I could see the determination in his eyes.
"Elia. Trust me. I'll get you out of here."
He smiled.
I couldn't help but lay my trust on his shoulders.
I smiled.
"Okay, but first could I ask your name?"
"Suhan, Suhan Young."

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