Officer Park

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My face was still buried in Suhan's chest.
His hand caressing my hair.
Reminding me of the way he played the violin passionately.
I wanted to see him play the violin again.
The way he caresses my hair, remind me of the way my mother did when I was going through a hard time.
I couldn't understand it.
I was the older one, shouldn't I be the one giving him comfort.
"Hm?" I hummed as I looked up to his face.
"I swear no matter what happens I will get you out of here."
"I know Suhan." I smiled feeling confident in his statement.
"I know you will."
He got up, pulling me up with him,
He placed me on the bed,
And laid down next to me,
I felt anxious.
He pulled the blankets over us,
And tucked the fur blanket just below my neck.
"It's cold."
I nodded. "You're right. It is cold."
Our eyes watched each other,
Our lips wanting to touch once again,
And possibly start a blooming of love.
I looked at his Silky black hair for one more time.
His hand caresses my hair, for a last time.
And his hand slowly moved down to my throat,
He caressed it,
He leaned close to me again,
And placed his lips against mine.
Then again, we watched each other.
As we waited for us to be separated,

Eric Park's view:
There still wasn't a clue that lead to her.
I glanced at her picture again.
Thinking of the promise I had made myself of bringing her home.
I couldn't imagine how horrid it would be to find her, dead.
"There was a disappearance of an orchestra just two weeks ago as well. How would I be able to solve both cases." I heard an officer complain from his chair. I got out my seat and slammed my hand against his table.
"You applied for this job and now you're complaining." I said as I felt the officers eyes were on me.
Perfect, I needed this attention to make my own statement.
"I believe both cases are tied to the same murderer."
The officer chuckled.
"A murderer of women is connected to the disappearance of an orchestra?"
I kept my face straight, as I waited for his eyes to lose agains the fight of my eyes.
"What makes you think that?" He asked sarcastically as if he were the main boss around here.
"To spin us off, he's trying to make us get stuck on another case and ignoring the disappearance of Elia Madison and Tyra Nayel."
"Tyra Nayel?" The Officer asked.
"The actress from the small theater has disappeared too?" He asked clueless.
"Yes, and I believe it was the same murderer as well." 
He barked back at me. Saying I was useless for coming up with such a terrible statement. And saying I'm the one who was trying to spin them off. When it happened.
The door opened wide, at a fast pace.
I was surprised an officer didn't get hit by the way it was opened.
A young man in his high school age ran in.
With bruises and cuts covering up his entire body.
Blood stained in his white button up shirt.
Black hair down to his eyes,
Cracked bloody lips.
One of the missing musicians,
Suhan Young.

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