A Blood Bath

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I waited desperately to see her running outside. But she never did. Instead I heard the door creaking open. I back, hitting my back against the window. Tadashi waved at me with his blood covered hand. 
Tanya's blood on his hand. My only chance of escaping, was lost.  I screamed and hit my back harder against the window. "Did you really think she'd escape my own home?" He did have a point this was his house, he knew it better than anyone. But still my hopes didn't give in. "You know what she said." "What?" I croaked afraid of what would come next. "To no hurt you." He walked closer to me. "How naive."
He put his hand against the glass of the window and pulled me close to him. "What should I do with you." "Please don't  kill me." I shut my eyes and sheltered myself with my arms. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me on to the stool. "For now eat. I will never kill you."
I sat on the stool and watched him shut the door again. I grabbed the bread and took a bite out of it. I was scared what will he do to me.
I sat in the cold room, and I looked at the space where Tanya once was. How did he kill her...I didn't want to know. He took a rock, my guess was he hit her head with it, causing cerebral damage instantly killing her. I took another bite, realizing I actually was hungry. I heard the door creak open again. I looked at him, he was wearing the same pants from the other day, and was still shirtless. He walked over to me. "Almost done?" I nodded. I had finished but I was scared. He grabbed my hand and walked me around the mansion again. I noticed the wind blowing against the trees and the rain hitting against the windows. The sound of distant lightning, setting up the perfect setting of a horror movie. He opened a glass door and lead me into it. I felt him push me forward, if was the bathroom. The bath tub was filled to the marking, there were red candle lit around the tub. Rose petals floating in the red water. "What is all this?" I asked surprised, I had been expecting a punishment. Instead he gave me a romantic bath. He really was out of his mind. He motion for me to go in. "But you need to get out, if I'm taking a bath." He sighed and left the bathroom. I took off the white pajama dress and stepped in to the tub. The warm water felt nice against my cold skin. I took a breath, but then jumped when I noticed Tadashi standing at the door. He shut the door behind him and walked over to me. He knelt beside the tub. I screamed. "What are you doing here!" He smirked and put his knee on the tub. "Get out!" I screamed as I tried covering up. He reached for my hand and pulled it up to his lips, and kissed it.

"My love

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"My love."
I slid down lower to avoid him from seeing me. I made the rose petals come closer covering me. "Won't you let me love you?" He asked as he kissed my hand again.
I screamed as I saw the blade in his hands. He noticed me looking at it. He dropped it on the ground. "I'm not going to kill you. How many times do I have to tell you."
"Then why am I here?" I sobbed as I tried pulling my hand away from him. He didn't answer. He just smirked. "You."
He leaned closer. "Are."
This time, his nose tapped with mine, his hand in the water.
I lifted my hand, and then realized the water was red. Blood red.
Then a name, came to my head. Tanya.

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