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I curled myself up in the corner, pressing my back against the cold glass.
I wanted to be free! But I also wanted to be with him. I was going crazy.
I heard the door open, I buried my face in my knees.
He grabbed my wrist. I tried pulling myself away. "Elia!" I looked up to see Suhan.
"Come one hurry! We don't have much time."
I let myself get dragged away. Our footsteps quiet as we ran around the mansion.
I couldn't help but stop.
" go without me."
Suhan put his hands on my shoulders. "Are you crazy. Let's go."
He pulled me behind a door with him.
"He came back sooner than I thought." He whispered.

He put my behind him as he looked around the corner

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He put my behind him as he looked around the corner.
"Hurry he's gone." I felt his desperate attempts to have us escape. I followed behind him.
I was surprised to see him like this.
His hand held mine tightly as we walked past the blood stained dining hall.
His fellow friends laying face down in their own pools of blood.
I almost screamed when I realized I had stepped on the blood.
We quickly fell into the empty hall.
Leaving my bloody footprint on the wooden tile.
Suhan helped me get up back to my feet and continued running with me towards the door.
I tripped and fell hitting my elbows on the cold tile.
Suhan knelt beside me. "Are you okay?"
He wrapped his arms around my waist as he supported me back to my feet.
My throat was dry, so I nodded instead. He noticed the bruises on my knees,
"Get on my back, I'll carry you."
"Just do it."
I got on his back, and wrapped my arms around his throat. He winced in pain as he got back up to his feet.
His black hair tickling my throat as he walked quietly in the empty halls.
His hair smelled like ash and dust, I found the smell soothing.
I could feel his heart pounding against my chest. I knew he was afraid, but he kept pushing forward, I wished I was as strong as him.
We heard silent humming coming from the corner, he ran into a room and slowly closed the door.
I nervously took a breath, feeling his soft black hair touching my lips.
The taste of ash at the tip of my tongue.
The humming got louder as the wood tile creaked outside the door.
Suhan's grip became tighter as the humming stopped.
"I swear I heard something here~ I must have misheard." Tadashi said as he kept walking.
Suhan's grip loosened once Tadashi was gone.
He slowly opened the door, and glanced out before running towards the door.
I held on tightly to his throat,
Then a loud gunshot.
Th sharp ringing sound echoed in the empty hall.
I screamed as I felt Suhan drop me to the floor.
Was he shot! I thought as I reached for him,
But he was quicker than me.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him.
He pulled me around the corner.
My head on his nape.
I felt his breathing go heavy.
"Are you okay?" I whispered as I looked for a wound.
He grabbed my hand and shook his head. "I wasn't shot, I'm fine."
"Found you two."
Suhan knelt in front of me, my hands against his back.
Tadashi shook his head.
"Wow Elia. So the violinist is still alive."
Suhan spat at Tadashi.
I watched Tadashi keep a straight face as the spit hit against his perfect face.
He wiped it calmly with a  smile.
Suhan put his hand against the wall behind me, keeping me in a safe position if anything ever happened.
Tadashi chuckled.
"Stupid. Why would I hurt my wife."
Tadashi put his hand on Suhan's shoulder, and pushed him down to the floor.
I screamed as I heard the loud thud of Suhan hitting against the floor. Tadashi stepped on his back, I tried pushing his leg off Suhan's back. Tadashi grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. "Be a good girl and go to your room."
He threw me to the side. I hit my back against the wall.
Suhan tried pushing his self up.
"Elia! Run!"

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