I Saw Her

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Eric Park's view:
The boy was exhausted, yet he looked like he was still determined to keep his eyes open.
"Help her please!" He screamed.
I made my way towards him.
"Young man, take a seat." I told him as I helped him take a seat.
He pushed at me.
"Hurry she doesn't have much time!"
"Who, and what?" I asked him.
He calmed down a bit and grabbed my wrist. He was acting like a mad man.
"Elia Madison! She is still alive. He has her."
"Who has her."
His eyes were red and puffy from crying, then there at that moment he passed out.
"Take him to the hospital." I told the cops. I glared back at the officer who snapped at me earlier. "I told you the cases were tied together." I felt proud and satisfied, I guess I was going to be the one to solve this case.
I waited for the ambulances to take the young man. I told the nurse to call me the moment he awakened, to get the information off of him.
Elia I knew it, you were alive. I promise I'll bring you back home safely. 
I anxiously kicked at the chair in the waiting room, when I heard some nurses gossiping.
"That young man is crazy. Did you hear what the doctor said he saw." 
I got to my feet and stopped the nurses. "Could I hear about this too, every piece of information is vital to my case." 
The nurses awed at my beauty and nodded. "Of course Officer." 
"The crazy young man, carved an address in his abdomen." I imagined the pain of him carving the address in. I winced just thinking of it.
"He carved an address you say?" I asked taking notes in my notebook, I could see the picture of Elia at the corner of my eye.
"Yes, the doctor says he'll have scars. That address will forever be carved in his abdomen." 
The other nurse gasped. "Also what the doctor said was shocking too."
I looked up. "What did he say?" I asked, also curious to hear.
"The poor boy, kept calling for A girl named Elia. Isn't she one of the disappearances from Case 45 Officer?"
I nodded. "She is. Elia Madison. My top priority at the moment is to find her, dead or alive."
The nurse tugged at her clothes. "From what the doctor said, I believe she is alive."
"Thanks for your time nurses."
"Anytime~" they both said,
I made my way towards the Emergency room. I needed to get this address now.
I knocked at the door, the doctor glanced but ignored me.
I knew I wasn't allowed to interrupt, but I needed to find her. After all Suhan did say,
She didn't have much time. Was she dying?
Or was the kidnapper planning on killing her.
After an hour wait, the doctor let me inside.
"Officer, he is stable now."
"The address. I need it." I said without even greeting the doctor or the nurses.
"Yes of course."
The doctor passed me a page. There it was. An image of the scars.
An address I had never seen before.
Then carved below the address,
Was a name,
Tadashi Iwazaki.

It hit me hard seeing that name.
It was him this whole time.
That cooperative man, the boy who delivered flowers to Elia's mother daily.
The boy who bought candy for her siblings.
The one who did service, for the cops.
It was him all along.
Behind those sad eyes.
Was a the blood lust of a murderer.
"Thank you, I'm forever grateful"
I took my leave, giving one last glance at Suhan Young.
"And thanks to your bravery Suhan Young, Elia will be brought home safely."
I had two officers come with me. I was on my motorcycle, them in a car,
I loaded my pistol when I parked in the mansion.
The place was huge,
I admit I liked this mansion.
But it made sense.
Tadashi Iwazaki was the son of the best paid actress, Daria Iwazaki.
We held our guns, and decided to sneak our way into the house.
It would be the best possible way for him not to cause a hostage situation.
Mirian broke the window with the back of her gun.
We climbed over the rose bushes. I made me way into the mansion.
It smelled like roses.
I heard humming of a girl.
It got louder as we walked in the halls.
A music box matched with the humming.
What had happened here, I found it creepy.
There were bloody handprints in the walls as we walked.
"My love." A man's voice called.
We hid ourselves behind the ledge of the wall.
The door was open.
"Yes?" The girl asked as the music box stopped playing.
" have you forgotten him now." He asked.
Showing the power form his voice.
"Suhan?" She asked. " should I remember him?"
There was something off about the girls voice.
It was as if...
She was reciting lines or a recording.
I knew I had a bad feeling about this.
He must know we were here.
The door creaked open.
Tadashi walked out the room, without looking our direction. He smirked and whispered. "Good girl."
Before shutting the door.
He walked away. I signaled for my two partners to follow me.
I put my hand against the handle.
My heart beat fast. Was it a recording, or was it really her.
I slowly opened the door.
There standing in front of me.
Was the lost girl.
Elia Madison.
She glanced at us, red puffy eyes, and blood on her hands.
A white dress, at top, that the lower it got the darker the shades of red.
Dark circles below the puffiness of her eyes.
Pale white skin as if she hadn't seen the sun for years.
A small cut on her lip.
The bruises around her wrists, and ankles.
Her body shaking as if she slept in the snow.
Skinnier than what I had seen in the image I kept.
She watched us in silence. She was at loss of words.
I glanced back at the other officers.
They had their guns pointed at the door.
I motioned for her to come.
I reached out towards her.
Her pale hand reached towards mine as she made her way over.
She held a Victorian music box in her arm.
Her cold hand grabbed mine.
I pulled her close, giving her a gentle hug, I wanted to show her she was safe.
She cried.
Her small body cradled in my arms, trembling as she cried in silence.
The tears of hope,
The tears of despair.
The tears of freedom.

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