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(Don't play the video until told to)
His words stayed in my head. I had changed into real clothes this time. A black dress, down to my knees. Black heels, and a warm white fur jacket. I guess it wouldn't hurt, to try to convince him to give me more freedom.
I waited patiently for him to do his every morning visit. The door creaked, Tadashi with his usual smile. "Elia. Come here my little rose." I got to my feet, and walked over to him. Thinking how do I manipulate him "Hm, not defiant today. I like that." He pushes me against the wall, pinning my wrists above my head. I let out a gasp. "What is it that you want Hm~ Elia." He saw right through me. He knew I wanted something. "..." he stared at me, I stared at him. "Well, are you going to say something or not Elia."
"I uh...want to look around the house."
"More freedom?" He asked, with a sickening smirk. "I guess something like that." He nodded. "Okay. Let's show you around the house." He held on to my wrist tightly as we walked out the room. He walked over to the bathroom, "this is the bathroom." I remembered the red water. I cringed just looking at the bath tub. We walked over to another room, there was a a piano in the center. "You play the piano?" I asked him. He nodded. "And the Violin too." He made me sit on the bench. "I'll play a piece for you on the violin...just press these keys while I play okay."
His soft expression was there. I was worried to see it disappear. "Okay.. just these ones?" He nodded as I clicked on them. He got his black violin out and started to play.
(Play the video now)
I watched him place the bow against the strings, as I pressed on the keys.
I watched him play while I played.
His fingers looked like they danced on the instrument, a familiar term.
The expression on his face, one I had never seen before.
Loneliness, sadness, and rejection.
It's watching him play made my heart ache as if there was something I needed to know. It was as if the violin was crying for help, to be noticed.
I couldn't help but feel the tears sliding down my cheeks as I watched him.
Tadashi kept playing, making me break down as I continued to press the keys.  The tears kept coming as if there was no stop to that empty sadness.
I stopped pressing the keys, and let myself get consumed into his playing.
I laid my head on the piano keys, within a few minutes I dozed off.
I woke up to see Tadashi brushing my hair. My head on his lap.
I jumped, trying to get up, he pushed my head back down. "Stay right there."
He kept brushing my hair with his hand. With his other hand he pressed on the low keys of the piano.
I nervously took breaths, afraid of him snapping.
"Hm.are you nervous."
he grabbed my face and made me look at him, while squishing my cheeks.
"You are."
He made me sit up and pulled me on to his lap. He traced my face with his finger, it made me get goosebumps. "Hm cute. You're nervous"
I looked at him. He smirked. "So should we finish our tour then. Love."
"Yeah..." he pushed me off his lap and held my wrist as he pulled me around his house.
The next room, was pretty. It was a room with a big bed, and a walk in closet. "This is my room." He said as he pointed around the place. He pulled me out and lead me to the kitchen. "The kitchen."  It smelled nice. Was he cooking before he came to get me. "I'm making a cake..." he said as I walked over to the oven. I looked inside, there was a cake pan. I opened the fridge. It was like another other fridge. Food, food, and more food.  He lead me back to the room. "There we are done, just this floor"
"Can't I walk around?" I asked as he pushed me back into the room.
"I'm not locking your door anymore, feel free to go anywhere around this floor."
He left the door open and left me alone in my room. I smirked at my own thought. I managed to get more freedom. I walked out the room and walked in the empty halls. I heard something tick in the kitchen. I walked over but hid behind the corner. I glanced, to see him cooking. He reminded me of my father, when he'd make breakfast for my mom.
He reminded me.
We were both human.

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