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Zeera and Geeha seemed to be gone when I woke up this morning. They left a note saying they needed to go home as fast as they could because their mums called.

I decided to just shook it off. But, something attracted me and that's a smell from the kitchen. A very nice aroma.

I took the stairs and ran into someone. Farra.

"How did you came in??" I asked.

"Ohh, earlier, Geeha met me and told me that they -that's they because she's with Zeera, just got out from your house and, unfortunately, they forgot to lock it. So, I decided to help." she smiled before walking to the couch with her cup of tea.

I walk into the kitchen and saw waffles.

"Oh, and my mum bought me some waffles. I decided to give you some." she said.

"Thanks." I whispered, unsure if she heard but, I guess it's okay.

Farra, the most quiet one among all of us.

She never really shared stories about her family. Not even to me.

None of us would like to push her and spill her stories. That would be annoying. That's what Geeha said.

Even though she's quiet, I know that she always have problems of her own.

I didn't want to be such a busybody but, it's just something we all should discover.

She keep herself away just so no one would get disgusted by her existence.

She used to join us all the time but slowly left most of the plans. Unless it's her own plan.

She loves planning the day -but most of them didn't seem to work. She decided that maybe if she plan something everyday, that would make a hint for her friends that she loves being friends with them.

She used to hate on Emilia during earlier months last year. Emilia just shook it off because she said she'll make sure Farra would love to be her friend.

I don't know how to explain anything but, Farra is the most different among all of us.

She's quiet but she's the most normal among all of us.

Unlike Emilia. She's loud, but very weird in every single way. But I'm not saying I'm normal either. I'm weird too though.

Farra didn't bother most about anything. She used to either sleep or do her homeworks during free times.

She denied her passion in Mathematics but she's way better than any of us.

She never really socialized with anyone other than us. Her mother and father are also never known.

We used to hear her saying "My mum" or "My father" but never really showed us her parents.

She could be said the most disciplined among all of us. As I said, the most normal among all of us.

Teachers liked her existence. She never had excuses and she's very good at school.

Sid and her dated just earlier this year.

Sid always said he liked her own self because she's very quiet but can get very annoying when they're alone.

They never really dated until Emilia got mad at them because all they ever did was going around and keep their feelings to theirselves. I think it's stupid too.

Since Sid walked into Farra's life, she never stopped smiling. And that made all of us happy because, she's not the type to smile all the time.

I never did lack the excitement of Farra's existence. She seemed like the most normal person I have ever met and that somehow kept me sane.

Nothing much to talk about when it comes to Farra. She's just another normal girl with a quiet behaviour and dating a random guy named Sid.

"Terra, your phone's ringing." she said. That's one of the reason why I said she's normal. She doesn't shout. Instead, she just speak up loud enough for me to hear.

"Thanks." I said back and ran upstairs to answer the phone.

"Hello, Terra's speaking." I said, didn't bother to check the Caller ID.

"Hello. Looks like this Terra girl forgot to meet up with Mr Ali just because a guy named Zayn made her sad." Zayn's tone was saying he's either mad or unsatisfied.

"Zayn, oh my god, I'm so so soooooo sorry. Really. I totally forgot that Mr Ali-" he cut me off.

"Come to school right now. He wants to meet us." he hung up the phone call.

I sighed. Not because I'm tired, but because I'm scared. Not at Mr Ali, but at Zayn Javaad Malik.


"Hello Ms Yusuf!! I'm glad you could make it!!" Mr Ali said once I walk into the room, getting a death glare by Zayn.

"Hi." I said, shaking Mr Ali's hand.

"So, take a seat." he pointed to the seat beside Zayn.

"Th-thanks." I stammered.

"Hello." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Hi." I answered.

"So, as the most best artists in my art class, you are chosen to be the leader and lead the others in your class." Mr Ali started.

"Leader?" I asked.

"Yes. Leader. Zayn will lead you. Since that, you're gonna help him." he continued.

At this moment, all I could think about was, how are we gonna communicate?

He was obviously beyond mad and pissed at me. Well, I have no idea why but I guess, that was because he have been waiting for me. I guess.

"How is that?" I asked.

"Here. Take this schedule." Mr Ali handed me two books, which I managed to hand one of them to Zayn.

"Thanks." he whispered.

"Your welcome." I said.

"Open up." Mr Ali demanded.

I open the book and it shows a few schedules.

I have no idea what are the use of these schedules but, I guess it's schedules for me and Zayn.

"These are the schedules to which house you will need to go every week." he explained.

I don't even know one of this kids except for Farra, Zeera, Ashton and Emilia.

"Zayn, do you get it?" Mr Ali asked.

"Yes." his deep Pakistan accent said.

"Good. That's all for today. I'll be going now." Mr Ali left both me and Zayn alone in the room.

"Looks like you would be meeting your disgusted man every week." he spoke up.

"I'm not even disgusted at the slightest bit." I said.

"Why do hate me then?" he asked.

"I never hated anyone. I'll be going now. Bye." I picked up my bag and reach the doorknob, leaving Zayn Malik alone.

"In fact, I liked you. But, you'll never see me, Zayn Javaad Malik" I whispered to myself.


Confusing. I know.

But i just hate the fact that Zayn is being mad for no damn reason. He's so freaking stupid. Can't he see the fact that Terra is in love with him?

Freaking guys...

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