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Emilia's POV

I woke up by the sight that I'm now getting use to. A blank white ceiling, in a blank white single bed with some green outfit.

Nobody was around. I was hardly can move. My hands found the table, which had a few papers and a pen. Exactly what I needed.

A nurse walked in, and smiled to me. I smiled back to her, and asked her to help me sit up. She did, and slide the sliding table to me.

I wrote down a few letters. For Terra, Zayn, and Ashton.

I don't know where they are, but I'm pretty sure they are in the hospital. The clock was showing that it's already 4 pm and it wasn't time for visiting.

Terra's letter was the first that I would write. Because, that's just because. She's an amazing person and I loved her no matter what.

Comes up next would be Ashton. And afterwards Zayn, of course.

I keep on writing, without a single second of resting, afraid I wouldn't have the time.

Sure, I may have 3 days more, but doesn't mean I can't die right away.

God doesn't choose. He knows exactly what he's doing. So, as a slave of his, I just keep on praying for him to at least give me time to finish these damn letters.


Terra's POV

I leaned right beside of Zayn's shoulder. Why did she not tell me? I knew that she was dying. But so soon?

Ashton was still by her door. Sobbing in his knees till he fell asleep. I didn't know why did she ever not tell us. Any of us.

She's too scared we would worry. She acted like forever was a promise. Yet, she's dying inside. The pain causes my eyes to cry.

I was already breathless from all of these cry. I'm sick of it. I'm getting done with it.

Emilia is in an ICU room, number 253, having a person, who's extremely in love with her named Ashton, sobbing by the door, until he fell asleep. Why did she do this to us?

I look up towards Zayn, who was staring blankly towards Ashton. I sighed. What now? Will we wait till the sun rises and open our eyes to a dead body?

I don't know anymore. I closed my eyes. Slowly drifting back to sleep, with hopes, "May Emilia stay by our side. Forever. Forever and always." Always.


Ashton's POV

I woke up by the sound of a person calling me. It was Emilia. Emilia's voice.

I pushed open the door and saw her weak smile spread across her face. She's dying.

"Irwin. There you are, you filthy lil' shit." she whispered, barely speaking anymore.

I walked over to her, as our hands tangled. My eyes was fighting not to cry.

"Don't cry." she smiled up to me. Her eyes was barely opened.

"I'm not crying." I said, as I wiped my eyes using my hand.

We stayed in silence as Emilia's weak eyes was on mine the whole time.

She's dying. She's leaving.

"Ash. Ashton." she called my name, I looked up to her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Promise me you'll move on?" she said, as her breath keeps on going like a broken engine.

"I don't know." I said. She smiled to me and patted the space between her. Asking me to join her.

I did. I climbed onto the bed, and laid beside her, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry." she said. "I'm sorry I'm leaving you so soon." another sob came out. She cried.

"Shh. Shh." I shushed her. "You're not leaving me, okay? We're gonna grow up. We're gonna get married, live in my parents house and have boys triplets with the name Michael, Calum and Luke. And we'll make a big family." she laughed from what I said.

"Ashton. Promise me something, will ya?" she asked, as a cough escapes her lips.

"Whatever you want, princess. Whatever." I said, for the first time ever calling her princess, and maybe the last.

"Promise me you'll move on. Promise me you'll be fine. Promise me you'll have a life." she blurted out.

I sighed. I can't do that. She can't do this. She can't leave me. She can't leave us hanging.

"How?" I sobbed, unable to contain myself anymore.

"You'll be fine. I know that. You'll have a beautiful girlfriend, and fell in love, and bring her to our favourite restaurant, like we used to do. And you will bring her to your parents, like we did two weeks ago. And maybe have some performance in Sydney with her in the backstage, laughing on your drumming faces, like I used to. And you will get married. Have boys triplets, named Michael, Calum and Luke. And maybe one girl," she paused, as a cough escapes. "and one girl named by me, Emilia Rosy Irwin. Just so everytime you miss me, you'll have a junior me. Okay?" she cried.

Screw that. I cried.

"Ashton. Okay? Promise me, okay? She'll be a very beautiful girlfriend, who will laugh on your every stupid jokes like I used to do. And she'll even eat your burnt pancakes, that even I can't stand, but I eat it anyways. And have time with your family. And tell you that she hates you but kiss you afterwards like I used to. Or even better. She'll be better than me. Trust me. She's gonna be your wife, and support your band. And have your triplets with her the whole time, and a girl, like I said earlier. Promise me you'll be happy, Ashton. I need you to be happy." She said, leaving me crying.

"But she'll never be you, Emilia Rosy Diaz." I sobbed.

"She'll be even better than me."

"She'll be better. But never you." I defended.

"Just, promise me, Irwin." she said.

"I-I," I stuttered.

"Ashton, Ashton. Look at me." she said, as her head turns towards me.

Her hand touched my cheek and kissed me.

"Promise me, now." she said, once we broke the kiss.

"I promise, Emilia." I said.

A beep came across the room. Signaling that her breathing is becoming harder. But, she ignored it.

"I love you Ashton. I always do, and forever will. Your name is written in my," she paused, taking a deep breath and continued, "in my heart and always will be watched by me. I'll smile in heaven as I saw you from there, having time with your triplets and a junior me." she finished.

"I love you too Emilia. You will always be my first love." I said, as I cried harder, as her heartbeat gets slower the whole time.

"And you'll be my last." she said, as a knock came from the door. Daniel showed up and nodded to me.

"I love you." I said, as I let go of her hand, before crashing my lips on hers, maybe for the last time, hugging her.

"I love you too. Ohh, and Ashton, don't you dare not to smile." she said, as her eyes keeps on getting closer to being closed.

"Babe, your smile could light up the whole world. I swear." I sighed.

"I'll watch you from there," she pointed up to the ceiling, "always. All of you." She said. As I nodded and turn around to leave, before taking my last glance towards her.

"I love you." I whispered. She smiled and nodded, before mouthing the same thing,

"I love you too." she said, and I turn around, tears streaming down my cheeks as the door was slammed on my back.

That was the last time I'll ever see her. I love you. I always do, Emilia Rosy Diaz. Forever and always, will be ever my promise. I promise.


I cried.

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