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"Terra Yusuf, did you and Zayn Malik have a hook up or something?" Jane, the school's reporter asked. Well, of course. Zayn's the hot one.

"No. We're not having anything. For now, I'm still focusing onto my studies. Now, can I please go?" I asked as I was starting to get really annoyed.

"Yes, and thanks for the information!!" Jane shouted once I ran up to the halls.

"Hello." Zayn, popped out of nowhere, and suddenly stood beside of me.

"Hey. Did the reporters ask you anything? I got interviewed." I said.

"Cool. Did they mention I was seen in your house just now?" He even asked that.

"They didn't. They didn't even mention-" Ashton suddenly came in front of me, panting.

"Did you win the marathon?" Asked Zayn. Why does he have to be like that?

"No. But I did win their attention." He gasped, as he pointed towards a bunch of girls, running over for him.

"Did you have your band on for tonight?" Zayn asked, with a pair of boring eyes.

"Well, yeah. But, I don't think that's the reason why they're chasing me," he paused as he catch his breath. "This did." He said as he showed us Emilia's phone case, with the word pretty thug bitch on it.

"Oh my god, that's Jane and her reporters!" I yelled as I started to pull Zayn and Ashton to hide behind the janitors closet.

"Do we have to be in here, forever?" Zayn asked.

"Do you have to be a questionnaire the whole time?" I asked him back, basically pissed by his present existence.

"Do you have to ask me that question?" he asked me back.

"Do you want me to give you a free slap? I'm glad to give you one." I said, which immediately shut him up.

"Can you guys not?" Ashton laughed.

"Shut up." Both me and Zayn said in unison, which did shut Ashton up.

"Anyway, I think, I better get this case off." Ashton said as he take off the phone case and let his iPhone stayed bare.

"When did you guys exchange cases? It's cute by the way." I smiled to him.

"Thanks. Yesterday. We exchange them yesterday. We decided to buy new ones. But, never had the chance to." He said, as he zipped up his sling bag and took a peek from outside the janitors closet.

"Clear?" Asked Zayn.

"Cleared. Let's go." Ashton whispered and all of us went out of the closet, before the bell rang.

"Woo-hoo!!! Lunch time!!" A few kids run up the halls, smashing books into their lockers.

"We ditched our whole class?" I asked with eyes wide.

"Not a big deal. I got myself a pass." Ashton said as he smiled up to us, showing his pass by Mrs White.

"God damn it!" I yelled as I ran up towards the teacher's office.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked, as he was keeping the same pace as me.

"Mrs Stacy. She could give me the pass. She's like, one of my relatives. But, not the closest." I stopped running and gave Zayn my bag pack as I walk through the wooden door.

"Ohh. I didn't know. By the way, I should really meet Mr Ali. He's gonna give me the pass." He smirked.

"Whatever." I said, as I saw Mrs Stacy's figure, walking up towards her table.

"I'll meet you in the lunch room." Zayn called up after me and I nodded as I talked with Mrs Stacy.


"Haven't you heard? Nancy Pelosi was being dumped by Ashton Irwin? The pretty faced blondie?" A few girls whispered, as I just rolled my eyes. Rebels.

I was tying up my hair into a lazy bun, or, as you guys call them, messy bun, before I was startled by two of my best friends.

"Hey Terra!!" Geeha and Farra startled me, making my hands fall down, followed by my hair.

"Hey. What's up?" I said as I tried to tie them up again.

"Nothing much. We were just saying, we're gonna head for your house after school. Because, we wanted to give Em a visit. That is if you're okay with it?" Farra asked.

"Cool. Well, I'm fine with it. Just tell Aleisha and Zeera. They might wanna come too." I sighed, as my hands get tired, but, glad that I succeeded my job.

"Right. Well, we'll be going now. I've got to tell my mum. Bye guys." Farra said as she hugged us both.

"I should be going too." Geeha shake our hands and hugged me, before heading out the door.


"That was hilarious!!" Zeera laughed as Emilia continued her story.

Well, you see, my house is kinda full right now. Plus, Ashton and Zayn is still sleeping over.

Zeera, Aleisha, Farra, Geeha and Emilia was in front of the fireplace. Chatting while waiting for their hot chocolates, and hot tea as for Emilia. She preferred tea instead.

"Guys, you want some?" I asked Ashton and Zayn, who was playing the new game Emilia bought online, and was sent over through my address.

"I'll have one." Zayn said, as his hand was going all over the controller.

"Me too!" Ashton yelled, as he jumped a bit, nearly killed, mentally.

"Okay." I said as I mix the chocolate powder with the hot water.

Once done, I washed my hands, and pour them into their own mugs. Well, it's not weird how the girls have their own mugs in my house.

Zeera got the name Zizi written on it. Aleisha have her own called Sha. Geeha's, G-Ha. Farra's, Fara. Emilia's, Emmy. And mine, T-ra. Coolies.

Zayn and Ashton made their own, and put it on the "Terra's Mug Side" table. It's a table my parents gave me since most of my friends used to come over. Especially when they're not home.

Zayn used the name Zaynie-boo. While Ashton used the name Emilia suggested him, Ashy. That's just a cute name for such an adorable person like him.

"I like our mugs. That is so cool." Ashton said as him and Zayn paused, looking up to me like kids wanting their toys back.

"I know." I said, walking past them, heading towards the fireplace. It was raining. Plus, the temperature was very cold today.

"Here's your drinks." I said as I passed them their drinks, following their names.

"You're the best!!" Zeera yelled and all of us laughed.

I'm glad I have such beautiful friendship. They're the only ones who'll get me. And I'm glad I would be the one who'll get them too.


Imma cry. This whole friendship thingy ruins me!! Gwarghhhh

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