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As I tried to get up, I saw Zayn, having Mitten by his side, patting her lightly. His hands was softly gliding against her delighted fur.

"Hey Terra-fying. How's your sleep?" He said as he motions Mitten towards me, while I was trying to sit up.

"It was, okay?" It came out as a question. I actually have no idea of describing a sleep. Because, why describe a sleep while you're sleeping?

"I have no idea where's Ash and Emilia is. She's gone since you went to sleep. And she said she left some lasagne for us." he said, making me smile.

Emilia must've been in her room since I went to sleep because, she decided not to make her parents worry. Thank god Zayn helped cleaning up the mess she made in her house.

Ashton and Emilia needs to be mended. I don't know how to express my feelings for now. I'd love to see Ashton smiling but, not when Emilia is sad. That would ruin everything.

As to me and Zayn, I'm pretty sure we're having some best times in life. Thanks to Emilia. Well.

"I think Emilia's in her room. The guest room." I told Zayn as I gave Mitten a wrap around my arms.

"Cool." He swap to the next channel. I stood up, making sure that Mitten wasn't falling onto the floor.

I went upstairs, searching for Emilia. Once the door was open, I saw Emilia on the bed, on her phone. Smiling slightly. I smiled, knowing she was okay.

"Hey." Ashton said, once he got out from the bathroom, rubbing his hands on his lap, as he walk over to the bed, sitting beside of Emilia.

"Hey." I smiled back to him, as Emilia sit up and smiled to me.

"How long have you been there? Terra?" She asked, as she motions me to come over, and sit next to her.

"Not so long. Around a minute before Ash got out from that bathroom. Ashton's sleeping over? If so, I could ask Zayn to sleep over." I asked.

"Well, I don't know. Depends to his own words." Emilia shrugged, as she playfully hit her feet on the wooden floor, leaving some noise.

"Well, Ashton?" I looked up towards Ashton, who was staring in awe from the outlines in the sky.

"Huh?" He jumped a bit, seeing that I just woke him up from his dreams.

"Well," I giggled, as Emilia smiled widely, "Are you sleeping over?" I asked.

"If Emilia wants me to. I'll do whatever she say." he answered as he took a glance over Emilia.

"I don't wanna force you. Won't your mum be home? It's your choice. Besides, I don't wanna get attacked by your girlfriend and family." She answered slightly.

"Well, okay then. I'm sleeping over. Just so you know, I don't really like that Nancy girl. Can you please stop teasing me around?" He asked lightly over Emilia. I chuckled from their childish acts.

"Well, I should've stop. If you're already over with Nancy. It's not my fault I'm scared with her." Emilia said slightly as she scroll her thumb over her phone's screen.

"Guys, I'll leave now. Don't kill each other." I chuckled as I went downstairs, walking pass Zayn, heading for the kitchen as well.

"Did they get babies?" He asked. I just laughed and playfully smacked his forearm.

"That's not so nice. By the way, Ash's sleeping over. You mind?" I asked, as if knowing he was gonna catch it.

"No. Not at all. Just make sure they don't do unwanted things. I'll be in your living room. But, I'll have to leave around 3.00 since it's already 1.00. I'll come back later once I've packed my things." He said as he took a spoonful of lasagne.

"Does Ashton wants you to help him?" I asked, walking over the sink to wash my hand and took a plate.

"Nahh. I think he's already packed up. He was thinking that he should actually be by Emilia's side for now. It would be better if he did sit by her side. Besides, she's cutting over him. Is that even cool? I find it really ridiculous." He spoke up, mouthful of his lasagne.

I just nodded. Not that I agree. But we all know, how useless it could be if I fight him. He wouldn't listen anyways.

I took my lasagne and take a bite from it. It was delicious. I'll have to take Emilia home as usual if I want to have cool foods. She cooks whatever she saw. Which makes her incredibly awesome.

A ring went off from the doorbell. I assume it would be either Geeha or Zeera or even the others. But, it kinda surprised me when I opened the door.

"Hello." She smiled to me. I just stood there, glaring at her with full hate.

"Why the hell are you here? You knew what happened. Yet you still come around? You really want her to give up on her life don't you?" Zayn stood behind me, since he was way taller.

"No. I'm here for my beloved boyfriend. Now, may you excuse my way? Where is he anyways? I called a thousand of times yet-" Emilia walk down from the stairs, cutting off this bitch's speech.

"Get. Your. Filthy. Feet. Off. From. The. Fucking. Doormat." She said through gritted teeth.

"Well hello. Didn't you die last night? Oh, wait, did I forgot something? Of course. You're just trying to get attentions. Attention whore!" Nancy pushed me aside to get her hands on Emilia, but stopped by Zayn.

"Nancy." Ashton whispered and quickly ran downstairs.

"Did you call her?" Emilia asked over Ashton, while her hands was fisting into balls.

"I did not. Why are you here? Nancy, I told you, we're over. This has to stop. You're making my friends life in danger. If any of them passed away, are you gonna answer any questions in the court?" Ashton asked wisely.

"We're not over yet. You've break your promises." She said.

"You've break yours. It's no difference. You break your promises, I broke mine. It's a win win situation. Now, can you please get the hell out of this house. It's not even welcoming. I get extremely mad right now if you're gonna cause some trouble." Ashton pushed her out of the house.

"So, we're over now? I can't believe it. You're choosing this slut over me." She smirked as those filthy words came out of her lips.

"Shut up." Ashton said as she was already outside.

"She's a filthy whore, who wants attention! That's all Ash!! She's a fucking slut who goes around and dates-" Ashton cut her off by slapping her face, hard.

"Did that shut you up?" Ashton finally slammed the door shut, while a few sobs came out from the door.

"You slapped her?" I asked him.

"A bitch deserves to be slapped when she called an angel a slut." He smiled and walk past both me and Zayn. Zayn just stood there in awe as we watch him help Emilia go back into her room.

"You sure they won't have babies?" Zayn asked, again.

"In that case, I'm not so sure. But one thing is sure, they're not having babies now. Not now." I smiled up to Zayn.

"Great. I won't wanna sleep, listening to banging from upstairs." Zayn said.

"No. Ashton's sleeping with you, in the living room. You're welcome." I said as I turn around to leave.

"Gee." he muttered as he turn around to finish his food.

Well, it wasn't so bad after all is it?


Haha!! I don't know anymore. This book is starting to get amazingly confusing. As confusing as my other book. Hope you guys love it. Ok. Bye.

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