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Well, the date night went well, and, I gotta say, I really like this chapter. Because, they're all sweet and cute and everything. Lol, I'll let you guys read. bye


I saw Zayn, waiting in his car, looking casual. As always, of course. So, I decided to go casual, since my date night is wearing casual.

I slipped onto my flats. I didn't wanna wear converse because, it's a date night. Or, dinner date, well said. It would be extremely awkward with converse.

"Hello. You look," Zayn paused, once I entered the car, waving with my parents, as Zayn smiled to them, "normal." he laughed.

"Thanks. Same goes to you Mr Oh So Normal." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, I'm wearing this, because I look good in this." he said, making me gasped, as if I was hurt by his words.

"Ohh, so you're saying I don't look good in this?" I said, as I pointed out my shirt ahead, making sure I seemed like I was touched by his words.

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, all girls try to look their best and here you are, wearing a skinny jeans with a blouse. Gotta say, you wore blouse today. Looks pretty." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Duhh. You won't want me to wear a band t-shirt to a date ni-" I was cut off when I saw Emilia, wearing her jumper, and a band t-shirt inside.

"Maybe, too much of me speaking. Let's find a place to park in." I said, as I tied my hair into a fishtail. Glad I'm good at it.

"Yeah." Zayn said, pulling over right beside of Sid's car.

"Let's go!" Zayn yelled inside of the car, as he took off his seat belt.

"Wait up!!" I said as I had trouble, opening the door.

"Quite welcome." Zayn said, once he opened my door.

I laughed, knowing that even though he tried to be such a gentleman, he'll ruin that look from his attitude.

"Where's Emilia and Ash?" Zayn asked. He doesn't seem to get the fact that Emilia likes being called Em instead of her full name.

"There she is!" I said, as I saw a girl with a jumper, sneakers, pony tail and light touch ups on her face.

"Right. Let's get going." He said, as his hand held mine while the other one, pressed a button on the key for his car, locking it, as the car beeped.

"Zayn!!" Ashton yelled, making Emilia turn around and smile as her eyes met mine.

"Hello, Ashton Fletcher Irwin and Emilia Rosy Diaz. How's your day?" Zayn said, as he held out his hand, shaking it with Ashton's afterwards.

"Cool. It was cool." Emilia answered as she hugged me.

"Guys! There you are. God damn it. I was searching you guys for an whole hour!" Farra, pointed out as she attracted our attention.

"One whole hour seems like a big lie. Stop lying, liar." Sid said, as he awkwardly adjusted his tuxedo.

Weird thing is, there's another girl, looking like she's in our age, following Farra around.

"Hey." She greeted me and Emilia. Emilia smiled as she shake her hand with the girl's.

"Emilia. Emilia Diaz. Call me Em." She said. Making me giggle at the fact that she loves the name Em but, let alone the fact that Zayn calls her Emilia.

"Terra. Terra Yusuf. Call me Ter-" Zayn cuts me off by laughing so hard.

"Sorry. I was- I was so caught up in the moment. Zayn, by the way." he said, as he held his right hand onto his stomach, as if he was laughing too hard.

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