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Ayesha and Emilia was pretty close now. Which was a good thing. The others doesn't seem to actually be close enough to her, which I find very unlike them. At all.

Farra, Geeha and me is being way closer now. Farra had change. A lot, actually. As to why, I don't know either. She wasn't as quiet anymore. But, I find it best that she actually talk to us.

Geeha and Emilia was pretty cooler. Which means, they're closer, than usual. I wasn't saying it's a bad thing, I'm just having this bad feeling about it. She's acting as if she was gonna leave us. For a long time.

Zayn was being sweet nowadays. Plus, he keeps on calling me Terra-fying, and I actually starting to like it. He doesn't mind the nickname I gave him though.

Aleisha actually left Rod. And went over Hermet, instead. Emilia was pretty happy that time. All she wanted was Hermet's happiness. And that's just how she interacts.

Zeera, finally, was going out with someone. But I bet that won't be as last long as it should. She have her own crush, and that guy is not the one who asked her out. She wasn't into that guy. She just said let's give it a try.

Reeha, my mom, was sewing the clothes she should've sewn two weeks ago. She take requests from people, just as a part time job, other than going around town with dad.

Yusuf, my dad, was working around town, keeping them in a good state. He repairs broken houses. Which was something unlikely nowadays. But I'm proud of him. He was the best.

Emilia wasn't in such a good condition with Ashton, right now. But they're working it out though. She said they needed time to think. She just wasn't sure if they really need each other. And I'm just gonna support her as always.

"Terra." My mom called out, waking me up from my thoughts as I sit in a better condition.

"Yeah?" I asked, once my hazel eyes met her same ones.

"How was school?" She said, smiling that sweet smile she would always give.

"Good. Everyone's nice." I answered shortly, waiting for her next question.

"How's Zayn?" She asked, smirking.

"Zayn. He's cool. Sweet. And just, Zayn. You know how he can get." I said, blushing slightly as my lips curved up, tugging into a smile.

I like how my family actually love Zayn. Plus, being the best parents, they would actually understand. My sister wasn't so bad too.

Fateen Nadeah Yusuf, my older sister. She was the most awesome sister I ever have. She always supports my decisions, no matter how stupid it is.

"Farra?" She suddenly startled me. My mom should actually stop startling people.

"Huh?" I blurted out, doesn't seem to get the one word question my mom asked earlier. It was a one word question, of course I didn't get it.

"Farra? How's Farra?" she asked. She was used to Farra. Farra is like her own daughter now. I don't know why. She just loves Farra.

"She's, okay," I paused trying to get the right words to describe Farra. She's been weird lately though. "She's getting better. She actually talk to us now." I said.

"Ohh, that's good news! How's Emilia? I hope she's okay. I heard the news." she said, as the smile faded from her lips, forming a straight line.

"She's okay. Ashton have been helping her a lot. Even though they keep on getting into fights, I'm just glad Ashton actually got a great grip onto their relationship." I sighed, remembering Emilia's current status, as still single.

She told me that she's just afraid. She's afraid she's not good enough. She's always insecure about being not good enough. Unlike Farra and Aleisha. I just hope Ayesha's not like that either.

"Ashton's a really nice guy," my mother paused, as she stood up, hanging up the sewn clothes. "He isn't like the others. He's caring. Emilia's very lucky." she finished her sentence about Ashton.

I agreed with her though. Ashton wasn't like other males out there, who does anything without thinking about people's feelings. He cared. And he always will.

"I know. I'm hoping the best for them." I said, as I saw a text pop out from my phone's screen. Two texts. Cool.

"Hey mom, I'll be going out for a while. I'll be with Emilia. If not, just call me. Bye." I said, as I took my coat, and slipped into my converse.

"Bye Terra. Be careful sweetie." She said, being the sweet and caring mother, as always.

"I will." I smiled, as I waved her a good bye.

I tucked in my earphones and shuffle play my music. Avril Lavigne started playing through it, making beats into my ear drums.

Texts from Emilia and Zayn. I was torn to choose of whom should I open first. My mind wins the heart, and chose Zayn, of course.


Hey. You free?

Well, that's all?


Yeah. Just walking around the streets. Why?


Wanna come over?



It took him awhile to answer, so, I checked Emilia's text.


Hey. What's up?


Just hanging around. Why?


Where at?


The road across my house.


I'll be there in 5. Wait up.



Zayn was still silent, so, I stayed there, kicking pebbles that was scattered everywhere on the ground.

A motorcycle sound came across the road. And I'm sure it was Emilia's. She's the only one that's having such a loud noise of a motorcycle.

"Hey gurl!" She yelled as she drove past me, making me chuckled. She took a turn around the corner and stopped right in front of me.

"Hey." I said, as we shake our hands.

"Hop on. Zayn's place, right?" She asked. Zayn must've told her about it.

"Yeah." I answered shortly as she started to drive again, making the air around us stung our skin softly, creating a small vibration.


This is a total filler. I just wanted Terra to have time with her mother and so, here it is. Lol

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