Part ; 5

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Mason's POV -

I woke up and felt someone's head on top of mine, I move in tiny motions not wanting to wake them up. I sit up and look over towards the person sitting next to me, it was y/n. Sleeping silently with small snores coming from her mouth. I smile towards her. She looked so beautiful asleep.

I got up trying not to make any sudden movements. I stand a couple feet away from her limp body, admiring her features.

'She's so perfect'

I walk towards the kitchen and turn on the kettle getting ready to make me and y/n some tea. I hear silent groans from the lounge room, and a sudden gasp causing me to chuckle a bit.

"Mason?" I hear her voice crack whilst saying my name, confusion laced in her tone.

"I'm in the kitchen"

I hear her say oh in a surprised manor.

Her feet make little pitter patter noises as she comes to the kitchen.

"What time is it?"

"It's 5pm" I reply back to her finishing up the tea, and handing her, her mug. She nods acutely.

"Oh frick, I should text Jay and tell him I won't be home for a bit hold on." She quickly raced back to the whereabouts of her phone.

"Mase, Jay said I can stay for a bit longer, he needs me to go home to look after the cats." She smiles towards me.

"Alg, we'll just have to make the most of our last hours or so"

She giggles in response causing a smile to raise against my lips.

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