Part ; 7

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a/n: hi! Thank you all so much for 100 reads it means so much to me, and it's so encouraging and amazing to see that many people acknowledging my work. Thank youuu 💗💓

Y/n POV -

I sat alone in my room thinking about Mason, constantly thinking about him. Ever since yesterday I couldn't get the thought of him out of my head. I contemplate on telling Jay but I feel as though it'll confuse him so much more, which I guess I'd understand.

I go on my twitter and notice a lot of people follow me, people constantly tweeting at me about Mason.

"What the fuck?" I question to myself. My eyes furrowed in confusion. One of them said; 'so you and mason hUh? @y/t/n'

It makes me think harder. Was it wrong of me to tweet at him to answer me?

I sit on the thought more than realise its just his fangirls/boys obsessing over him. It's okay. Don't overthink it I tell myself.

"Hey y/n, do you want to go out for dinner with Mason and Daniel tonight?" Jay yells out to me from the hall. My ears feel as though they peeled up at the name Mason. I instantly become intrigued by it.

"Yeah sure, let me get ready!" I reply back and quickly send a text to Mason:

Masonnnnnnn are you coming to dinner tonight?

Yessssssss I am y/n

Even though I already knew he was i just needed an excuse to text him. I giggle to myself.

Okayyyy see you thennn 💕💞

I glance at the message and just tap send, thinking nothing of the hearts.

It shows that Mason read the message. Hm he didn't respond.

Masons POV -

I keep taking looks at my phone. She sent me hearts. Wow.

I start freaking out, smiling like an idiot.

I must like her at this point. I'm overreacting I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it.

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