Part ; 26

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Masons POV -

The house was silent except for the sudden gasps of air from y/n, i caused her to cry again, I feel like shit. She does deserve better but I love her and I couldn't bare seeing her leave, just thinking of her being with someone else hurts me drastically.

There was a sudden knock on the door and I heard y/n from the room speak in a hushed voice, "I'll get it," her voice seemed shaky and hurt, so much pain even in those few words. How did I let myself do this to the person I love.

"Hey y/n, is everything okay?" I heard another female speak to y/n with concern in her tone. Curiosity got the best of me as I slowly peeked out into the lounge room to see who entered the house. It was only Anna, maybe she was looking for Jay?

Y/n POV -

"I can't do this anymore, everytime he apologises I just want to cry," I tried to hold my composure and not burst out into tears again. "I know he means the apology but he cheated, what if I'm not good enough? What if I'm too boring, or, or the fact that I'm too bossy? He deserves better." I hadn't noticed the hot tears cascading like little waves from my e/c eyes.

"Y/n you need to understand that no matter what, you are the best person anyone could ever ask for. I'm glad I can call you one of my friends, even if we've only known each other for a few weeks, I do love you." A blush appeared on her cheeks as she said those last few words. And I followed in her footsteps as I began blushing as well.

I turned to face the tv, wanting to ignore my thoughts entirely. Anna probably came here to be happy, not to hang around a sad sack of life.

A cough came from the doorway and I glanced over and seen a confused Mason.

"Oh hi Mason..." when Anna announced those words the room began to fill up with awkward tension. Shifting in my position I fiddle with my fingers not knowing what else to do.

"Hey Anna," he seemed happy, but I could tell it was just a mask as usually when he's genuinely happy he becomes filled with life, but right now it just seems like a fake happy. "Has Jay been staying with you?"

"Yeah, he has. We're trying to work some things out, I just dropped by to check on Y/n. Might just head off now." She pulled me into a hug and whispered an 'I love you,' she waved goodbye to Mason and left the apartment.

"So you think I deserve better?" Mason spoke in a quizzical manner. I nodded in response and he sat next to me. "Well I think you deserve better. Someone who hasn't cheated on you."

It was silent for a little bit until he started speaking up again.

"You aren't bossy or boring. I love you for you, and I always have and always will. I think you're beautiful, kind and caring, you help me with all the fucked up shit in my head." I could feel his stare burning through me, he just wanted an answer but I couldn't bring myself to do anything but cry. "I'll let you be alone for a bit, bye Y/n"

With his final words I heard footsteps leaving, then a door close.

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