Part ; 6

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Mason's POV -

Y/n left an hour ago and I've been sitting on the lounge thinking over things that mainly consisted of whether or not I really do have feelings for her. Though I'm positive I do I just need to make sure before I jump into things and then suddenly have no attraction to her. Also what if she doesn't like me, seems as though she does but things can change. Jay does treat her very well.

I was broken out of my thoughts with a buzz on my phone, I glance towards it seeing a tweet I was mentioned in.

'@y/t/n mentioned you in a tweet'

I unlock my phone quickly checking what she had said.

'@Zuckles you're gay answer the phone'

I chuckled at the tweet, then actually taking in what she had wrote. She must've called me, but it didn't show up. I rush to the phone app and call her. She picked up instantly with a cute laugh and yelling 'took you long enough!'

"Well I'm sorry it never even came up that you had called me" I say sassily in return. She kinda grunts in reply.

"Well I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" She giggles after her question. I nod then quickly realise she can't see my nod.

"Oh, yes" I say awkwardly. We end the call and say our goodbyes. I was smiling like a toddler who'd just received candy, she really does make me happy huh?

I put my phone down and walk to the shower, thoughts of her rushing through my head.

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