Part ; 14

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Y/n POV -

Me and Mason have now been dating for a little over 5 months, we announced our relationship to his fans not that long ago, they seemed supportive of the whole ordeal. It made me happy to know people wouldn't attack him for dating someone like me.

Though I do remember early on when that boy posted the picture of the both of us, that's when people who loved Mason attacked me. But it was out of confusion, it didn't harm me so I don't see a problem with it.

Mason and I had recently been thinking about moving in together, due to his anxiety getting worse. I feel if I stay at my apartment I physically can't help or stop him from harming himself when he starts having panic attacks and such. I genuinely can't imagine how it'd feel to be alone in that type of situation, I understand I've felt it before but, I love him and he doesn't deserve this.

-time skip-

"Y/n why are you with me?" Mason asks out of the blue causing my face to become distorted with pure confusion.

"There's so many reasons," I lightly play with his hair as I ready myself to name all the reasons as to why I'm with him. "Well first, I think you're extremely handsome. Second, your sense of humour makes me happy. Third, the way you make me feel as if I'm the only girl you've ever seen, you genuinely treat me like a goddess!" I babble on a bit more, not realising he had placed himself on top of me, cuddling into my body like a baby. I was broken from what I'd been saying to the sounds of him weeping and light drops of water on my chest.

This startled me and I abruptly move to where I can comfort him better.

"Mason listen to me, I love you." I whisper into his ears causing him to look up at me, his soft eyes were swarmed with tears, it breaks me every time I see him like this.

"I love you too y/n," he kisses my forehead and rolls next to me, causing me to be flustered. I don't know how he does it but he still gives me butterflies in my stomach when he does cute things such as that.

"Y/n!" Me and Mason both shoot up at the sound of someone yelling my name, the voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

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