Part ; 20

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Y/n POV -

The whole group was at a club somewhere in the city, Mason had gone too but I stayed home to look after the house. Partying never really was my thing, especially if it involves drugs and heavy drinking. So when they all get back I'll be the motherly figure I am and look after them.

I had an idea that I'd been thinking of doing for a while, starting a YouTube channel. I really just needed an outlet for my thoughts and creative gestures, I don't think I want to do gaming like everyone else but mostly a mixture.

I logged onto the computer and start to create the account.

"What name should I have? Oh!" I quickly type in a name I used to use 24/7 on children's games; Nefairy (I'm sorry if you don't like it you can change it 💞). It seemed very childish but it was cute and I liked it.

I change the banner to something I'd been working on for a while, an art piece, the profile picture was just an 8-bit me. I quickly went through and subscribed to my friends and completed the finishing touches to the channel.

"Wow, now I actually have to post something huh?" I whip out my old camera and begin filming. More of an introduction to me and the channel. I had went on twitter and instagram to see what questions they'd like to be answered:

"Question one, are you and Mason dating? Haha, yes we've been together for nearly a year now, wow. I smile at the camera and reminisce on the amazing times I've had with him.

"Question two, would you ever start a YouTube channel? Definitely not." I said sternly and sarcastically towards the camera causing myself to laugh.

I complete all the questions and end the video, then begin editing and I post it. Making sure to tweet it out I notice my mentions are blowing up.

'@y/t/n are you seeing this shit????' I look at the photos linked to it. Shock gals through out my body and I start breaking down. My hands tremble as I drop my phone, my vision becomes a haze. Darkness.

Anna's POV -

My blood begins boiling as I see Mason all over a girl, he has Y/n and she does everything for him.

I stomp towards him but am swiftly held back by Jay, who pulls me into a distressed hug.

"Jay what the fuck do you want?" I yell impatiently over the blaring music.

"Look, you can't tell y/n okay? Masons drunk, he's done this before." Jay looks into my eyes with a sort of begging stare.

"No way! I don't care, y/n's my friend, i don't care if I've only known her for a few days, she doesn't deserve this." I push Jay off of me and stomp over to Mason. He stares at me from the corner of his eye and smirks.

"Mason, do you realise what you are doing?" I say angrily.

"I'm not doing anything wrong"

"Don't try to play dumb with me," I push him out of the way and go back over to the group.

"Shit... uhh guys," Cam yells staring at his phone with confusion on his face. He shows the phone off to everyone, Toby becoming insanely shocked and mad.

"What the hell has gotten into him, should we go stop him?" Matt yells over to Cam, who nods in return.

"I already tried, he didn't listen," I spoke loud enough so they could hear, they look up to me with saddened eyes.

"I'll head back home to check on y/n,"

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