Part ; 23

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Y/n POV -

I opened the door a tad bit just to peek through and see if he had really left, he had it was empty and quiet in my room. I left the cold bathroom and went to my bed, glancing at my phone for a second noticing someone had called me; Mason 💓.

I swipe and the it starts ringing. The phone picks up and I only hear crackling over the phone as if someone was opening a bag.

"Hello?" I called through the phone and hear breath hitch. "Mason?"

"Uhh... y/n?"

"Yes? Who is this?"

"The girl Mason was with last night," my blood started boiling, this girl had the audacity to call me, wait. "I assume you're his friend, he left his phone here so you want to come and pick it up? I texted you my address."

"I'll just send him to get it," I spoke clenching my teeth. I understand she didn't do anything wrong as she didn't know but ugh.

The phone call ends and I leave my room, handing my phone to Mason with the texts from the girl. "Go get your phone." He wrote the address down and I snatched my phone back and headed to Anna's room. I knocked a few times and I heard shuffling then a door opening, I see her and engulf her in a hug I really just needed some girl time and friendship.

"What's wrong?" She spoke concerned, holding me closer. "What did he do this time?" I felt her hands hold me even closer as she fills up with rage because of Mason. She leads me over to the bed and we sit down and I begin spilling out what happened with tears staining my face, my eyes raw from crying.

"Anna I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do,"

"Have a proper talk with him about it, see his opinions on it. If he doesn't agree then take a break for a bit," she leans her forehead against mine and I feel butterflies in my stomach but shake the thought out of my mind, I'm with Mason. "You can sleep in here tonight if you want, I'll just kick Jay out?" She started giggling and caused me to laugh to.

"You're too kind to me I swear," I glance down to my hands and she holds them within hers holding rubbing my knuckles.

"That's what friends are for," she smiled to me, causing a blush to form against my cheeks.

"I'm gonna leave now uhh bye," she nodded and waved, I left her room and felt lost once again. She made me happy for now, maybe these are just confused feelings.

I seen Mason as I made my way to the lounge room he must have gotten home not too long ago because he was on his phone ignoring everyone. I contemplated talking to him but I don't want to cause a scene right now, key points; 'right now,'

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