Part ; 29

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The house was quiet, a comforting quietness as I felt while again, I was slowly putting my life back together and it's making me all warm and fuzzy inside. I love Mason with every fibre of my being, though he may do a few things to upset me I know he means well, he's just confused about how he feels and that's completely alright. I will be here to support him every step of the way.

"Y/n, I'm back!" Mason peaks his head around the corner and sees me starstruck, my eyes grew bold with happiness whenever I seen him. He put his bags down and came and sat with me on the couch, this is exactly what I needed. The phattest Of cuddles. "Are you alright?" He looked at me with curious wide eyes.

"Yes, I am, I'm just so happy to see you," I pulled him into a much needed and missed hug, he laughed at my gesture but soon proceeded to let himself relax into my frail arms. "You don't understand how much I missed you." I looked up into his soft eyes that seemed to play stories for me, stories about our relationship, the bad times and the good times. My whole world is within them and I'm so grateful for his existence. His smile caused little crinkles to form on the sides of his cheeks and eyes, his eyebrows raised when he laughs, his hair is always a floofy ball. Except for the times he shaves it, but even then I just want to feel it.

"Earth to Y/n?" He laughed and pulled back from the hug, I shook myself out of my thoughts and a very visible bright red blush appeared against my cheeks.

"Mason I love you, I'm sorry for not letting you back in sooner I was just in doubt," I smiled up at him with hope in my e/c eyes. I know he understands but I just want to make sure of it.

"You needed time and that's okay. Everything's fine now baby," he kissed the top of my head and pulled us both down on the couch to make us lay. My head was on his chest, I listened to his heartbeat, comforting beats every second. Ones that caused my heart to melt, it's fantastic to think he really exists. Like wow such a beautiful specimen deserves to be in a museum and admired by others.

The room fell silent, light snores heard next to me. He fell asleep. His face is so beautiful when he sleeps, his face is so relaxed and his eyebrows seem to furrow randomly, causing quiet giggles to escape my lips.

"Night," I spoke silently and soon fell into a well needed nap as well.

A/n - hey! Thank you for 6k reads my guys love you all and uwu. Also if you couldn't tell the book is only going to have a few more chapters before it's donezo. But do not fear I'm working on several other books, I've published one but it's only to help with my writing and such. So yeet, love you guys

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