Part; 31

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Masons POV

After breakfast Y/n went out with Anna, something to do with a 'girls day', I have no idea what they're doing but it's okay I trust Y/n, I mean she's not the one who cheated...

I still can't believe I did that, I love y/n so much and for me to just turn around and stab her in the back, it's fucked. She deserves so much better but as long as she's happy with me then I'm willing to try, for her.

Jay Gay-
Yo mase the groups buying a house, do you and y/n wanna move in?

The message confused me, is the house small, I mean if it's for the whole group then I assume it's huge but still. Will there be enough room for me and y/n?

You sure there's enough room?

Jay Gay-
Yeah as long as you guys can pay your part of the rent

When are we all moving in?

Jay Gay-
Around two weeks from now, we just need you and y/n to fill out some paperwork then we're all set

Sounds fun, I'll see if y/n wants to. She's just out with Anna right now

Jay Gay-
Ohh yeah Anna wanted to take y/n out on a little date thing

We should do the same thing

Jay Gay-
Fuck yeah, well I gotta go now catch ya later g

Living in a house with all the guys doesn't seem so bad, I mean we stay together every time there's an event here. They're like my brothers, they look after me.

I sent y/n a quick text:

Hey babe, Jay asked if we wanted to move in with the group, if you do we gotta go fill out some shit

Y/n 💓-
Yeah Anna was just telling me, it's a really nice place from what I've seen.

When are you getting back so we can sort it all out?

I'll be back soon me and Anna just want to finish up our food. Bye, love you

Love you too

This house is gonna be so fucked when everyone moves into it.

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