Part ; 8

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Y/n POV -

Me and Jay arrive at the restaurant going to our booth that was booked. Jay keeps nudging me and wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"So do you like Mason?" Jay asks me. Which causes a violent blush rush towards my cheeks. I open my mouth then hear two Australians bickering over fortnite and such. I hide my cheeks behind my hands causing Jay to laugh aloud.

"Hey Mase. Hey Daniel," they reply with hellos back and sit down. Mason sitting next to me. Blush still won't disappear from my cheeks, I silently bicker with myself in my head.

"Y/n you alright?" Mason whispers to me, I nod my head in return taking my hands off of my cheeks. He laughs a little bit. "So what did you want to do tomorrow?"

"Oh I hadn't thought that far ahead, I kind of just asked if you wanted to hang out because I like your company," I blurt out without thinking, realising I'd just said that a blush appears on my face again.

"Oh really now." He says nudging my rib cage a little bit, and raising an eyebrow at me.

"So what would you all like to eat today?" Our waiter asked us all, looking at each of us but taking a good look at Mason. I kind of become infuriated. I have no reason to feel this way though.

Jay answers her, ordering our food for us. The girl winks at mason and walks off. My hands started clenching underneath the table. Then I hear Jay and Daniel ask Mason if he knows her.

"Nah I don't know her, I don't think?" He laughs, causing the others to laugh too.

"I bet you $20 you can't get her number" Daniel says with a smirk, causing me to look between the both of them. Jay glances at me and seems confused with my expression. It was sad and mixed with anger.

"I fucking can, watch me" Mason replies whispering, trying not to make it obvious. They both start laughing maniacally. Causing a smile to appear on my face, Mason's laugh makes me happy.

He gets up and goes towards her, as soon as he left Jay put his hand on mine causing me to look up to his face.

"You okay y/n?" He asks concerned. I nod in reply. He smiles at me for comfort. "It's okay, he's just being a guy." Jay laughs trying to make you feel a tad bit better.

Mason comes back over and flashes a note towards Daniel, with Daniel sliding the $20 across the table.

Mason looks towards me and quickly sits down and seems concerned and confused with how I looked.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine Mason." I clench my teeth together, causing him to move slightly away from me.

By this time our food had arrived. I ate in silence not trying to involve myself in their conversations, due to me being scared about lashing out at him. I know he doesn't deserve it, he doesn't even know I feel this way for him.

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