Part ; 30

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I awoke to the sweet aroma or breakfast and a cologne I hadn't smelt in a while. All the smells filled my nose and made me feel warm and happy inside, I missed this. I did just need time. Feet padded down the hallway, racing to my room then a sudden gasp and as if someone's fallen over causing me to jump up and leave my room to see what happened.

"Mason!" He was laying on the ground in a daze as I gasped at him. "What the fuck happened?" I put a hand over my mouth trying to stop my laughing.

"Um... I tripped over my own feet going to see if you were awake," he held himself up on his elbows and chuckled in embarrassment.

I leant down to his height and left a small kiss against his forehead. "I missed you," he smiled and pulled me down to him and peppered my face with short kisses. Causing a giggle to escape my lips.

"I love you" he said between the kisses.

"I love you too," I laughed at him and hugged him tightly.

He got up and motioned me to follow him, in which I did, I followed him to the kitchen which held  many choices, cereal, bacon, eggs and several different juices. My face distorted in confusion.

"I didn't think I had any food to eat," I scrunched my nose and sat opposite to him. He smiled at me.

"I went to the IGA this morning before you woke up," his smile caused a squint I his eyes, what a sweetheart.

"Thank you," I engulfed several foods. We sat in silence as we both understand the happiness that food can bring.

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