A/n nothing important

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I just needed to let my feelings out somewhere, sorry haha.

Well I've been very unmotivated with editing and writing and I hate it, I've also not been writing lyrics for songs I've been working on. Year 9 is so fucking dUmb like why is it so stressful. I'm failing three subjects and I'm in the smartest class for two of them I'm actually the dumbest person ever.

Math is gay
WW1 Anzacs history thing is dumb, like it doesn't interest me so I don't want to do it
English is so stupid the twelve angry men is so boring.

I just had a huge breakdown and I threw my phone by accident. Pogchamp.

I'm sorry I'm all over the place today. But after this week I don't have to do anymore assessments I just get to fail so yay

Oh wait it might be four classes I'll fail. Lit.

We stan a waste of a human 🤪🤪🤧

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