Part ; 17

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Y/n POV -

I woke up next to warmth, and a lovely smell that flowed throughout my nostrils causing calmness and love to go through me. A smile spread across my face. Turning to look at Mase.

"Morning baby," he kisses my forehead and hops up, putting clothes on and starting to venture out of the comfort of my room. I smile down at my hands, 'he really is mine' I giggle in response to my thoughts, most likely looking like a psychotic person.

Getting up and going to my closet I search for a new outfit to wear today, Mason said he wanted to go somewhere today, he didn't tell me where but he also said we'd be meeting all of his friends. Which excites me, he's met some of mine so I should meet his. They seem like such lovely and funny people in Masons videos.

"Y/n, change of plans we're going to PAX first because I kinda forgot to tell you about that," he runs off back to wherever he was and I stand in confusion, I've never been to PAX. I'm not sure what it really is, but I doubt it'll be bad if Mason wants to go.

I hear a knock on the door, Mason obviously going to open it. Kind of assuming there was only one person, but no I hear several feet walk through the door and a mixture of voices. I peak out of my room, down the hall and see a lot of people.

"What the hell," I gasp under my breath, the confusion was immense now. But I assume all these people are Mason and Jay's friends. So I leave my room to greet them.

"Ohh so this is the girl you constantly talk about," a mildly y'all boy states.

"Shut up Matt (I'm pretty sure this is inuts name, I can't really remember uwu bad fan)." Mason yells back at who I presume is Matt. I wave towards each of them and introduce myself.

"Hi I'm y/n, Mason's girlfriend," I grin when saying the last part, it felt so nice knowing I'm his girlfriend. They smile and introduce themselves to me, obviously I'd met a few of them beforehand so there was only need for some introductions. One girl caught my eye though, I'm pretty sure her name was Anna. She was very sweet and lovely, seemingly attached to Jay though. There must be something he isn't telling me I think to myself.

We start to make our way out of the house, Mason placing his hand around my waist and holding me in comfort. I take a quick glance behind and see Anna and Jay holding hands. I internally scream.

"Babe, did you know about this?" I make eye movements to behind us and he completely turns around like a buffoon! Causing me to laugh and punch his arm lightly.

"Aww Anna and Jay are dating!" Mason yells for everyone to hear, causing me to once again punch him a bit harder this time. Anna grew a huge blush on her face, Jay following in that action too.

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