Part ; 21

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Anna's POV -

"Y/n?" I call out into the empty lounge room, usually she's here watching a movie or something. I scavenge throughout the dim apartment. Coming across her door I started knocking on the wooden door.
"Y/n you in there?" No reply. I slowly twist the knob and it opens, peeking in I see no one on the bed/chair then look at the ground and feel as though I'm going to faint. I rush over to her still body, shaking her violently then stopping as it seems hurtful. Tears start to escape my eyes.

"Y/n please wake up!" I yell towards her and I receive no answer, as expected. I text Toby a scared message and receive an equally concerned one back.

Toby -
Mason left with the chick he was with, I'll get back as soon as I can.

Rushing to the bathroom I soak a sponge in ice water and go back to Y/n, her body seemed so fragile in this state. I notice her eyes flickering a bit, she opens them then closers them just as vigorously as she had opened them. A groan escapes her chapped lips.

"Y/n?" I whisper and hold the sponge to her lips then forehead, she makes a sour face at the coldness of the sponge, she's so adorable. I don't know what I felt just now, but I think it's more than what I know.

"Ye-s" she responds croaky and sits herself up.

"What happened? I got here and you'd fainted." I raised an eyebrow for questioning.

"I-I saw-" she choked and began breaking down, I held her body close to mine trying to warm her up and comfort her. "I'm sorry... I seen a photo of Mason with a gorgeous girl- and I"

I hushed her with a deeper hug, "I yelled at him if that makes you feel any better?" I kinda giggled at this and so did she, sniffling then wiping her tears.

"Thanks Anna, I'm glad to know someone cares," she pulled away from the hug and sailed up at me.

I hear a door jiggling, then things opening, then last but not least, a bunch of boys yelling at each other.

Y/n and I laugh at each other. Her laugh was warm and comforting, I wish I could listen to it all the time.

"Anna is Y/n okay?" Toby peeks through the door not noticing Y/n up and awake. "Oh she is. How are you feeling?" He stepped into the room, closed the door and sat down next to the girl.

"Yes I'm fine. No I'm really fucking not, I seen my boyfriend cheating on me. But other than that Anna helped a lot." She looked over at me and smirked then turned her attention back to Toby, I felt my heart flutter and a blush arose to my cheeks.

"Y/n and Anna I think you should both get some sleep, you've both had a long night," with that he smiled and left.

"Thank you Anna, I'll head to bed now, goodnight," y/n smiled at me and went towards her bed.

"Night," I left the room and went to the shared room with Jay. He was laying on the bed with aggravated eyes.

"Did you tell her?"

"No she found out herself, it's all over Twitter." I ignored him and got changed then went to bed. It was silent the rest of the night.

Y/n POV -

I stayed awake for what felt like hours, staring at the ceiling and sobbing.

I picked my phone up and attempted to call the accused.

It rang for a few seconds then was picked up.

"Mason?" I tried stopping myself from sounding tired out and sad. Though it was extremely hard.

"Y/n?" Mason answered confused, seeming more sober than what he had seemed in the images I'd seen.

"Is everything okay? You arent home so. I was kinda worried," I smiled into the phone praying he was okay, even though he hurt me.

"Yeah. I don't know, I feel fucked. Got no idea where the fuck I am." He spoke into the phone seemingly begging for help.

"Well I don't think I can help you, I'm at home, got no car, you took it remember?" I spoke silently.

"Oh yeah, I'll get it tomorrow. Well night babe, I love you," my heart ached when I heard those words, I feel like I cant say it back after what I've seen. Why is he acting as though he didn't do anything. Maybe he didn't and it was all fake, I doubt it. "Y/n you there?"

"Yeah night bub," he sighed when hearing that. We ended the call and I once again was trapped in my own head. Silence. Darkness and worst of all, myself.

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