Important A/n!

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Sorry with all these interruptions to the story recently but this one is important, maybe not to you, but to me. So recently I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues, and I hate the way it's been ruining the book if that makes sense? (But I love it because Anna makes me lesbian) I genuinely had no intentions for this book to head the way it did and I'm not sure how to flip it back into works (I'm sure I'll figure something out). And I may not update for a while, with these personal issues comes pain and sadness. This is all kind of due to my thoughts and school, I'm failing two subjects, but I know for one I can get an easy pass by the end of the year due to me knowing so much more about it. But the other; math. Is causing me so many issues I push myself to the point I start having panic attacks and like holy shit equation more like fuck off cunt, honest to god. Like dude I'm about to drop out, wtf am I gonna do next year when I'm literally a senior like what the fUck. Anyways I'm sorry for the author note just wanted to inform you guys that there'll most likely be a lack in updates, I will probably post on my board (like the thing in my account for updates), so if you want to see what's going on with me, or when I may be posting I suggest checking it out, of course you do not have to, but it'd be appreciated for future reference.

Bye, love you guys 💓

Sincerely, L

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