Part ; 11

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Masons POV -

"I'm coming to pick you up now," I speak into the phone and can hear a smile in her tone.

"Okay! I'm nearly ready so if you walk in on me doing my makeup don't be startled"

I hop in the car and turn the radio on and get sudden butterflies in my stomach. Driving to her and Jay's apartment I stopped by a florist and bought flowers for the girl I'm going to ask to be mine.

Arriving at her house I rush to her floor and knock on the door to my surprise Jay answers. We have a 'bro' hug and he lets me in, we sit on the couch and have a conversation about a few things.

"So you gonna ask her?" Jay whispers hoping to not let y/n hear. I just nod in response then hear y/n and all her glory screaming song lyrics. Me and Jay laugh as she comes down the hall to where we were seated.

"Mason!" Her smile was so bright and I could see the happiness that protruded from her. We go into a hug and say our byes to Jay, he winks at me before we exit the doors.

-time skip-

I was finally getting ready to ask her, I had handed her the flowers when we arrived and it seemed to lift her spirits quite a lot.

"Mason?" She waves her hand in front of my face and I hear her cute little giggles.

"Oh shit, sorry" I laugh in response to her and go to speak more but someone cuts me off.

"Holy shit are you Zuckles?" A kid that looked around the age of 14 yelled pointing at me with an accusing finger. I awkwardly smile and see y/n holding in a laugh. We take a photo and he wanted y/n to be in it too, she seemed so happy about that. The child leaves with the happiest look on his face.

"So y/n I've been thinking. I really like you and I wanted to take our relationship further," her face seemed confused as I cleared my throat and became nervous again. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I look down at my hands and fiddle with them. I dare not to look back up to her, scared of her answer.

"Of course I will!" She says leaning in for a hug. My whole demeanour changes, I feel like the happiest man on earth.

"You are such a dork," she sits back in her chair laughing at my blushing face, and sneakily snapping a picture of it causing me to make a distorted face.

We get up to leave, I pay the check and she stands close to me holding my arm as if it'll keep her safe.

Y/n POV -

I'd never been this happy in my life, I stare up towards his beautiful face taking in all his features for the millionth time. He was so gorgeous and perfect. I'm glad I can call him mine. He notices my stare and starts tickling my sides causing me to burst out into laughter.

"Stop! St..op!" I say between choked laughs.

He pulls back and starts laughing. "You're so cute what the fuck," he states aloud causing me to blush furiously.

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