Part ; 15

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Y/n POV -

I slowly ventured out of the comfort of my room glancing back at Mason with each step I took.

"Who is it?" I called out into the empty hall.

"It's Justin, Jay let me in." I took another step backwards feeling my world start to spin. Justin was an old friend of mine we grew a part due to him becoming abusive towards his female lovers, and me being the clingy person I am, I fell in love with him. Then I was told of these things and wanted to get as far away from him as I could, so I moved to Melbourne. As I lived in Queensland (sorry if you don't) prior to this.

I continue walking to the lounge room with footsteps trailing behind me, most likely Masons. He stood in the middle of the lounge room with a bouquet of flowers and chocolates holding them out towards me.

I sensed Mason staring him down as Justin began to look nervous and had sweat starting to form against his forehead.

"I got you these as a friendly thing, I mean it's been what. A year or so since we last spoke?" He gave a sly grin and handed me the gifts in which I obliged to and placed them down on the coffee table.

"Yeah, haha. Well this is Mason, my boyfriend. And Mason, this is Justin an old friend of mine." I gestured between the both of them, Mason still looking confused and mad.

"Well I guess I'll be on my way then... bye." Justin hurried out of the house, it took such a weight off of my shoulders. I collapsed onto the couch with Mason falling back next to me.

"How the fuck did he find where I live?" I ask myself. Mason started to look worried so he placed an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him in a comforting hug.

"Y/n, it's okay." Mason whispers into my ear causing me to calm down. He continued whispering sweet nothings into my ear, causing a blush to quickly form against my cheeks.

My face turned to his direction. Staring him in the eyes I go closer and close the gap between us and kiss. He put his arms around my body pulling me closer.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I obliged and parted my lips a bit for him to enter.

"Yo Mase- What the fuck!" Me and Mason quickly pull a part and stare at the confused Jay that stood in the hall staring us down.

We begin to laugh as Jay looks scarred.

"Sorry Jay," I laugh and he shakes his head and ventures back to his room.

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