Part ; 4

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I knock on Mason's door, stepping back a bit for when he opens the door.

The door knob twists and I watch as the door swings open revealing a tall, lanky boy.

"Oh, hello y/n" he talks in a quieter tone then from what I'm used to hearing from him. "Come in," he smiled as he looked down at me. I follow him towards his lounge room. I felt weirdly comfortable and fine when I was around him. He turned back taking a short glance at me, causing me to blush.

I take a seat next to him, taking in his odour, he smelt so beautiful, making me feel calm. I felt myself staring at his face, once again taking in each of his beautiful features. He noticed and chuckled a little bit.

"You alright there y/n?" His eyes crinkled as he laughed.

I quickly turned away with a vicious blush on my face. "Y-yes..."

"So what do you want to watch?" He speaks quietly towards me. I shrug my shoulders and fiddle with my fingers a bit.

He puts on a horror movie, 'The Conjuring' I smile, knowing this is one of my favourite movies.

"Do you want to watch this, because if it gets to scary just tell me." Mason had a smirk on his face, seeming to try and prove a point.

"Ha. More like you tell me." I had a sly smile on my face, which made Mason crack a smile, shaking his head.

It had been 40 minutes into the movie, and Mason had hidden behind my shoulder for every jump scare, causing big laughs from me.

I felt his head leaning on my shoulder, and soft breathing from him. I was stunned realising the boy was asleep on my shoulder. I stare at his cute sleeping face, bringing a smile to my face.

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