Who pt. 2

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It was a Friday afternoon when Felix saw you standing at the school entrance, a sigh escpaing your lips as you stared at the down pour.

'Should I offer my um-'

Felix's train of thoughts were cut off when he saw that you were about to try and make a run for the bus stop only for a hand to grab you by the wrist.

"You're an idiot y/n"

"I'll be fine Jisung!" You said with a small smile.

"No. You'll get sick. Now let's go" Before you could mutter another word, Jisung opened his umbrella, intertwined his fingers with yours and walked you to the bus stop.

'How typical of Han Jisung'  Felix thought, sighing before opening his umbrella and walking off to the bus stop as well.

You and Felix always took the same bus home for some reason. You even go off at the same stop.

But still, you two never really talked. Except for that one time when you  both had to do a project together.

The bus was a little packed today and as Felix held onto the handles at the top since the seats were all taken, despite his brain telling him to mind his own business, his eyes couldn't help but trail to the sight of you and Han Jisung.

This wasn't the first time that he had seen you two together in the same bus as him. If Jisung wasn't busy, he'd bring you home.

But he seeing how close the two of you were made Felix wonder why you turned Jisung down every time he confessed.

Jisung had his arm protectively wrapped around your shoulders as his free hand held the handle of the bus.

When the bus came to a halt at his stop, Felix immediately got off. But of course he had to overhear yours and Jisung's conversation first.

"Take the umbrella!"

"Jisung its fine! My house is just a few blocks away"

"What if rains again?"

"Trust me! I'll be fine"

You got off the same stop but walked opposite directions with Felix.

It wasn't even a minute after Felix started walking home when he suddenly felt a light drizzle which quickly turned into a full out rainfall.

He immediately opened his umbrella and was about to make a run home but suddenly stopped in his tracks when a thought crossed his head.

'Will she be oka-'

When the rain started to pour down hard you cursed at yourself for not accepting the umbrella that Jisung had offered. At first, you thought about making a run for it.

But your house was pretty far and you'd get soaked either way, so why run?

After a few minutes of walking, you suddenly felt a wet hand grab you by the arm as the rain drops stopped dripping on your head.

You looked up to see an umbrella over you and turned around to see Lee Felix panting.

"Why are you just walking?!" He said, sounding irritated.

"I'll still get soaked either way"

"You're an idiot"

"I get told that a lot of times" You say with a small chuckle.

For a minute, all Felix could do was stare. At that moment, you looked like one of the most miserable people, but for some reason, your smile was still so bright and it took Felix's breath away.

"Well um... lead the way" He suddenly mutters, ignoring his thoughts.

The walk back to your house was silent. But for some reason, Felix didn't find that silence suffocating.

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