Question pt. 6

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"Alright! To make this year's group project fun, I'll be grouping you guys randomly" Mr. Wang says with a big smile.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at his teacher's words. Today was an off day for Hyunjin. And despite being the flirt and sociallite he is, he was just not in the mood to talk to anyone today.

"See this jar?" Mr. Wang asks, bringing out a clear mason jar filled with papers. These are your names. I'll pick three at a time and whichever three get picked, they'll be one happy family"

At this point, Hyunjin slammed his head on the desk and decided to just sleep it off. He's fine being grouped with anyone anyways.

"Hwang Hyunjin
l/n y/n
and Seo Changbin"

"Fuck" He turns to left to see Changbin mutter the curse word out loud.

Hyunjin and Changbin had the same circle of friends but the two of them weren't that close because of how different their personalities were.

Next, Hyunjin scanned around the room for you and when he locked eyes with yours, his own went wide before a small smirk knowingly spread across his face.

You were pretty popular last year for dating Lee Minho.

Well she's gonna be interesting.

After all of the groups were announced, everyone went to their groupmates to discuss the plan.

"So... let's plan?"

You were the first to speak since you three had grouped and as you spoke, Hyunjin found himself staring at you.

"Before planning the actual project, why don't we break the ice first! We all aren't that close yet so I suggest that after school we all hangout. This is a major project and we can't work if we're all awkward"

You suddenly say.

"Well aren't you the natural leader" Changbin mutters, making Hyunjin arch a brow as he anticipated your reaction.

"You have a problem with that?"

When Changbin pauses for a moment, shocked by your sassy remark Hyunjin couldn't help but siffle a laugh.

"Not really. I just thought you'd be the quiet type"

"Well think again"

"Okay. I think I'm starting to like this group. Seo Changbin, me and one of the most beautiful girls in class" Hyunjin says with a smirk, finally joining in the conversation.

When you roll your eyes at Hyunjin's words and playfully flick his forehead, he couldn't help but stare at you in shock as well.

"Yah l/n y/n. You'll pay for that forehead flick!" He jokes.

"Make me" You say with a little smirk. And at that moment, Hyunjin thought that maybe this wasn't such a bad day and bad group after all.

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