Question pt. 8

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"Hyunjin, are you up?"

"What the fuck y/n. It's 2 in the morning"


At the sound of your weak voice, the sleepiness leaves Hyunjin's body and he sits up, now fully awake.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just- Changbin's already asleep and I- the project's due soon but there's a file that's missing so I have to repeat it and it's a lot and I'm trying not to panic but I-"

"-woah woah woah! Calm down y/n"


"-look. I'm sure Changbin has a copy of whatever file it is"

"Why are you so calm?!"

"Because you're panicking! And honestly you're making me start to panic! But damn one of us has to be tge calm one right now and it's not you so-"

When Hyunjin suddenly hears small giggles from the other end of the line he stops mid-sentence and furrows his brows.

"Holy shit are you pranking me right now y/n?"


"Why are you laughing?!"

"'BUt OnE oF Us hAs To bE ThE cALM oNe RigHt NoW aND-"

If anyone saw Hyunjin at the moment, they'd see a very flustered, red cheeked Hyunjin.
Which, no one really knew existed.
Which, Hyunjin himself, didn't know existed.




After the words leave Hyunjin's lips he pauses for a moment. Since when has he, the Hwang Hyunjin, express his emotions loudly to anyone other than his close friends.

"Changbin just replied! He has a backup of the file I'm talking about!"

"Oh that's great!"

The line goes silent after that.

"Well... uh, sorry for waking you up and all. I just- yeah I was stressed" You suddenly mutter."Good night I gu-"



Hyunjin could only imagine the look of confusion on your face when he cut you off.

"You woke me up. So fix this"

"Yah! Hwang Hyu- what do you want?" At first you thought of fighting the guy, but it was your fault. And a little breath of fresh air wouldn't hurt right?

"Let's have a midnight snack. And since I'm still a gentle man, it's my treat"

After giving the details about the sudden plan and ending the call, Hyunjin just realized:

Did he flirt with you?

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