My Pace pt. 7

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Seungmin was carrying a stack of papers to the faculty when his footsteps came to a halt at the sight of you and Lee Minho talking by the lockers.

Lee Minho. Your ex boyfriend.
Seungmin's brows furrowed. What was he doing back at school? Didn't he already graduate a year ago? 

When the sound of feedback coming from a microphone echoed through the halls only then did Seungmin realize.

Right. The game. Lee Minho was here for the game.
After staring at you and Minho for a few more seconds as you waved your hand in front of his face before the latter grabbed, Seungmin quickly decided to turn the other way. 

Even if it was the longcut to the faculty, he'd rather pass that way than see Minho act all lovey dovey with you again. He'd already had enough of that sight a year ago.

After walking for a few minutes to the faculty and finally trying to clear his head, Seungmin suddenly hears what sounds like someone running behind him.

He assumes that it's just another random person in a hurry but what shocks him is when he feels someone tap his shoulder.

"Hey Seungmin, need help with those papers?"

And Seungmin froze.

He literally froze and took a moment to simply admire your features even though he had already done that hundreds of times.

It took him a good five seconds before he could create a proper response.

How could he not 'malfunction' when you're standing in front of him, a small smile formed on your lips, eyes which hold the universe silently anticipating an answer.


"Uh... sure"

You flash him another small smile before getting half of the stack of papers in his hands and helping him carry it to the faculty.

"Um... why- class hours are over, don't you have somewhere to be?" Seungmin mutters, trying to start casual conversation. Although a part of him wanted to know why you weren't with Minho right now.

"Yongbok texted me to head over to the rooftop so I was originally heading there. But then I saw you carrying this giant ass stack of papers sooo..." You trail off before a chuckle escapes your lips.

"If you have to meet up with Felix it's really fin-"

"-Seungmin chill. The faculty's the same way so why not kill two birds with one stone am I right? Help you and head over to the roof top!"

And for the nth time this day, you took Seungmin's breath away with your charming looks and kind personality.

Seungmin simply shook his head, a mall chuckle escaping his lips before he muttered "You didn't change one bit"

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