My Pace pt. 5

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(A year ago)

l/n y/n
• Second year high school •

Lee Minho
• Third year high school •

"So that's it?" You ask with a bitter chuckle as you two laid down on the middle of the field at school.

"You'll just make me like you then walk away?"

"We both knew that we weren't gonna work out" Minho says, a bitter chuckle escaping his lips as well.

"Yeah we did" You reply, turning to face him with a sad smile.

Minho hated how his heart felt at the moment. It just felt so broken and crushed.
Minho liked you.
No. Minho likes you.

Yes, it may have started out as a fling but towards the end, Lee Minho genuinely fell for you.

He may have even loved you at one point.

But then a part of him always felt as though it wasn't right.
Maybe it was because he was scared of commitment.
Maybe he didn't want to do long distance since  he was moving for college.
Maybe it was the feeling of guilt because of the fact that he hurt his friend in the process of being with you.
Or maybe it was because you just weren't meant to be.

But whatever the reason, Minho knew that your relationship with him had to end at some point.

You suddenly get up, Minho mirroring your actions with a confused look as you brushed the dust off of your clothes.

When you stretched your hand out, his look only doubled.

"Well Lee Minho, it was a privelage to know what it felt like to date the school's heart throb"

You said with a smile which only made the pain in his chest triple. Because that single smile held and showed all of the pain you were feeling.

And Minho hated the fact that he knew that look so well from being with you and memorizing your face for months.

You take his hand in yours and quickly shake it before waving goodbye and walking off.

You didn't look back.

To anyone else, it seemed cold, but Minho could see the tears forming in your eyes, the way your voice almost wavered and the shakiness of your hand as you shook his.

He hated himself for doing that.
But when he realized that he did, it was already too late.

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